
Showing posts from August, 2015

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Lasting Relationships: Rule 12

This is the last Rule in this series. Hope you've all been blessed by it. RULE 12: BE HUMBLE Humility is one of the attributes men desire in women. They appreciate women that are humble. A humble woman will never raise her shoulder for any man. She may be very rich and influential, but she would not intimidate people who are not as fortunate as she with her wealth or status. These days, most single ladies lack humility. Because most of them are fortunate to have lucrative jobs, they look down on men who are not as rich as they are and even on their fellow women who are not privileged as they are. They feel like goddesses that should be worshipped and adored. Single ladies who look down on men because of their financial status or social background find it difficult to get a man’s ring, and you never get his ring until you have required him to pop the question. If you are interested in marriage, you should be humble and treat men with respect. You should be nice and friendly too.

Lasting Relationships: Rule 11

RULE 11: DO NOT INTIMIDATE HIM Have you ever wondered why most ladies who are beautiful and rich find it difficult to get married? The simple is reason is that they intimidate most men who get interested in them. They may not do this consciously, but the expensive clothes they wear, expensive gadgets they use, the posh cars they drive and their looks generally intimidate men and make them inferior. Once a man begins to feel like that, he would not want to get close again. It is only a man who is also as rich as the lady that would have the courage to approach her without being intimidated. Any single lady that is interested in walking down the aisle should avoid looking excessively flamboyant; you shouldn’t wear things that are extraordinarily expensive. These things may look beautiful and gorgeous on you but they have the wrong effect on men, especially those that are not very rich. They intimidate and scare men away. It is not wise for any single lady to drive a posh or expensive c

Story Time: The Virgin Bride Who Saw The Light

The Virgin Bride Who Saw The Light! Lara and Paul came from two strictly religious families and when providence eventually threw them together at a Church concert, they believed it was the Lord’s doing. “We'd both had relationships before but were in-between partners when we met over 15 years ago”, recalled Lara. “I’d left work early to help in a fund-raising play the Church was organising and Paul was in charge of the music. He certainly took his duties seriously and thanks to his efforts, we had a very successful outing. “We were thrown together a lot during rehearsals and at the end of the assignment, we continued seeing each other to our pastor’s delight. Months later, we both agreed we were ready for marriage. There was nothing stopping us. We were both in our late 20s. I had a good job with the manufacturing company I worked for and Paul was a lecturer, living on campus. Accommodation was taken care of and we both had our own cars. I was a virgin and was a bit surprised

Lasting Relationships: Rule 10

RULE 10: AVOID SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE One serious mistake single ladies make these days is going to bed with a man before marriage. Most single ladies do this because they feel it is a way of getting a man’s heart and love, but recently research conducted has shown that this is not always true. As a matter of fact, Men prefer marrying ladies they have not slept with. According to this research, seventy percent of men who had sex with their partners ended up not marrying them, just thirty percent ended up marrying their sexual partners and majority of them were compelled to do so because their partners became pregnant. It is therefore not wise for a single lady to go to bed with a man before marriage. The more a single lady parts her thighs for a man, the more he looses interest in her, but the stingier she is with her thighs, the more desperate he becomes to have them. Men do not value ladies who give them sex easily, they prefer those that are very stingy with their thighs. Ask a m

Lasting Relationships: Rule 9

RULE 9: OBEY YOUR FAMILY Marriage they say is not just the affair of the couple in love, but also the affair of the families involved. It is a family , one’s family has an important role to play in one's marriage. That is why it is important for you to seek the consent of your family and blessings as well. The blessing parents give their daughters before they leave for their husbands homes is very important. Without the blessing, the marriage may run into problems. Single ladies should always endeavor to listen and obey their parents when it comes to choosing men they would live with, the reason is that if marital problems eventually arise, her family would always stand behind and fight for her cause. If your family, especially your parents do not approve of the union, you should obey them, end the relationship and look for someone they approve of. Ladies who ignore their parents before jumping into marital relationships, usually end up having marital problems and jumpi

Lasting Relationships: Rule 8

RULE 8: FOCUS ON YOUR CAREER Before, it was fashionable for women to be full-time house wives and take care of the home. Then, the economy was good and men could easily support their families with whatever they earned at the end of each month. These days, it is no longer so with the economy of the country that is in a bad state. Most women now work to support their partners. Men, especially the average income earners prefer working class ladies or the career conscious to those who are not career conscious. They see ladies who do not have tangible means of earning a living as lazy and indolent. If you are interested in getting married, you should be career conscious, you must have a means of earning a living. Men are no longer comfortable with full-time house wives that is why they look for working class ladies who would be able to support them in taking care of the home. Notwithstanding being career conscious, there are some careers men are not comfortable with and they have reas

Lasting Relationships: Rule 7

RULE 7: BE STRAIGHT FORWARD There is nothing about a woman that scares men like not being straight forward. A woman who is not straight forward is not only a liar and an hypocrite but a cheat as well. She is considered a wayward type that takes pleasures in keeping many men at the same time. She deceives her partner by telling him lies and at the same time pretends that she is virtuous. A single lady who is not straight forward will always encounter problems in her relationship. Any man that expresses genuine interest to have a serious affair with her will take to his heels the moment he discovers that she is not straight forward. Men are afraid of such women just the way they are afraid of poisonous snakes. A man may tolerate a woman who does not talk politely or a woman who dresses indecently or even the one who loves money so much, but he would never tolerate a woman that is not straight forward. Single ladies who are desirous of marriage should learn to be straight forward and

Lasting Relationships: Rule 6

RULE 6: ALWAYS BE YOURSELF Most single ladies pretend to be what they are not just to win the hearts of men they admire. This is wrong; pretense is a wrong way to win a man’s heart. A woman can easily deceive a man by pretending to be what she is not, but one day, he would find out the truth about you and would not hesitate to walk away. You can deceive people sometimes and get away with it, but you cannot deceive them all the time. Men do not appreciate women who pretend to be what they are not, they love women who are always themselves. If you are interested in winning the heart of a man, you should never pretend to be what you are not. Always be yourself and you should not try to impress a man by being what you are not. If he is really in love with you, he would go for you irrespective of your faults. It is only a man who is not genuinely in love with you that would walk away from you because of your faults. A real man understands that no woman is perfect; he sees your fault bu

Relationships: A Good Woman

There are two types of women who can come into a man's life. There is one woman who will come into your life and change it for the better, making you a better man. She will bring calm, stability, order, prosperity and positive energy. She is wise and able to realize that the pit you are in doesn't matter because she will help your rise. She will never stop believing in the man that you are and the man you can become. So much confidence in you, it almost makes her seem dumb. A virtuous woman who prays for you more than she prays for herself. She will make sure you eat good and dress proper. She will inspire you to pursue your dreams and life goals. She will encourage you to budget and invest, making you financially stable. She will be like your own personal cheerleader. She will be your voice of reason and will prevent you from making some dumb decisions and silly moves. She will not control you but will keep you grounded and safe from harm. Her value to your life is mo

Relationships: Guy Codes

First, if you don't know what # GuyCode is, consider yourself a female not male. By Nsikak In my face me I face you compound in Port Harcourt. A teenager of 17 beat up his sister of 15' because of what she did. It wasn't the beatings that got to me, it was the fact that the boy was crying as he was beating up his sister, then he would lament # Ah , # Ahh and continued beating her. . . What did she do? He happened to be the senior prefect in school. Intelligent, neat, and got all girls in school tripping. It was expected of his sister to be same but she was the opposite. He got to find out his friends and classmates have all been sleeping with his sister. This got him mad, not just a friend but almost all his friends, so that day he got home from school and didn't find her home. School dismissed by 2 but she got back by 6. The anger accumulated and he gave her the beating of her life. I tried to stop him but when he explained to me the reason and with tear

Story: The coffee shop

Gazing at her beauty from a far and rambling on about everything that goes with the very sight of her next to the window. An awkward love Story. This is not a normal thing to do. Why don't I just go over and admit that I'm here? Why is it so hard to just act like her and say 'oh hey there, I was sitting at that table in the back and noticed you came in. Do you wanna sit with me ?' No. No. No, instead I am sitting here with my head lowered and my hood pulled down staring at the bottom of my cup of coffee. She always puts my head into a frenzy. Makes me embarrassed, humiliated, and agitated . . . but only in the best of ways. My eyes fixated on her golden bouncy curls and the way her soft creamy skin glows as the light from outside the window rains down on her. The contemplative look that glides across her face as if the world's problems are her own and she is determined to solve them. Though, in actuality she's probably just deciding on what to make f

Love Story: This Obsession Of Mine

I just want to be close to him, but how do I say that ? This isn't infatuation, this is obsession Everything was calm, everything that wasn't me that is. The dark lit room, the fragrant incense filling the room as his eyes focused on his book. Even when I know his attention isn't focused on me I can't help but blush thinking that he's so close. He's just within my reach, so close to touch. Yet, still impossible to achieve, too far out of my league to even think of making a move. Also, the added fact that he never resurfaces from his book no matter the case. This longing that I feel to be near him, this yearning to be whatever it is he needs me to be because I need to see him smile. This . . . Obsession. That's all that this is, obsession. Obsession over the one guy who can make my heart stop on a dime but not in a sexual kind of way. In a completely untainted way. So untainted it becomes tainted within itself with how strong of an obsession it bec

Story Time: The Unspoken Love

Excerpt: Slowly and gradually debates went funny..and names were no longer was born,secrets were shared and happiness was gifted in one form or the other. The pigeon on the roof flew away, flattering its wing and diminished to a to a pin point in the sky. They grey sky now had turned blue and the clouds provided the perfect wall for the sun to peek. The rays of sun now touched the ground,piercing the clouds like a needle piercing a cotton cloth. I spread my hand out the window and felt the sunrays kissing my hand,the rain had stopped. I smiled standing at the window admiring the beauty of nature that just had taken a shower. My phone buzzed. I took the phone out and unlocked it. “1 message” was flashing on the screen. I clicked on the flashing message icon and the text message opened. “Hello D, You asked me whether I could come to the cafe or not, Yes I can. -Nanci” I almost jumped.. and puched the thin air a few times in excitement. I glanced at the wall

Lasting Relationships: Rule 5

RULE FIVE: THE WAY YOU SPEAK MATTERS A LOT The way one speaks matters a lot. It reveals ones personality. A lot of single ladies don’t know that the way a woman talks can affect her chances of getting married either positively or negatively. A lady may be beautiful, but if she is not polite in talking she may find it difficult to get a life partner. Men believe that such women hardly make good wives, so they shy away from them. Even if they succeed in getting married, the marriage will never last long. A woman had to re-marry five times because of the offensive way she talked to her partners. If you are desirous of going to the alter with a man, you should always be polite when talking. Men admire women that talk politely. A woman who talks politely easily win a man’s heart, polite words are like cold water to a man’s heart. You can make a man’s heart melt with love by just being polite to him. It works just like magic. A woman whose tongue wags a lot is considered to be even mo

Lasting Relationships: Rule 4

RULE 4: DO NOT BE MONEY CONSCIOUS These days, almost single ladies see men as “bees that produce honey” that is why they go all out to milk them dry whenever they come around. If they do not demand to be taken out for lunch or dinner, they would ask for one favor or another. Men, being what they are would always accede to their demands, but they would take to their heels once they get that thing that makes them happy. A lot of single ladies have lost men who would have made wonderful husbands just because of their excessive love for money and material wealth. Men are not foolish; they are even wiser than women think and should not be under rated. When am man who is ripe for marriage begins to take interest in you, his aim is usually to study you and find out and find out if you can make a good wife. If you begin to make unnecessary financial demands, you are sending the wrong signal to him. The signal you send to him is that you are only interested in his wallet. Men do not t

Society : Archaic Traditions

First, there were disputes about whether he had really died, then disagreement over the curfew in the state and now the ‘Abobaku’. The Abobaku has reportedly run away after the death of the prestigious Oba. If the tweet below is to be believed, it means the final rites on behalf of the deceased Ooni of Ife might be stalled. Click here to for full story.

Society: Be Inspired

It's long but pls read it. It was about eight o’clock when her son who was asthmatic developed some complications. He had to be rushed to the nearest hospital about 1km away or else it would be fatal. She called a neighbor who had a car but the neighbor said the car had no fuel; she called the pastor who said he had visiting pastors from USA and could not leave them alone. She decided to carry the son to the hospital; she could not imagine loosing her only child to the same sickness that had killed the husband few years earlier. She had a problem with her leg and could not move fast enough and the son was also heavy for her to move faster. Along the way she met people rushing home from work who just stared at her. She tried to beg them for help but they assumed her. She also tried to stop passing vehicles but they never responded. She fell many times but she had to keep moving. Then a man who was mad and used to roam the streets Unclad noticed her. He came running towards

Lasting Relationships: The Rules ; Rule 3

Rule 3: BE CONSCIOUS OF YOUR DRESSING The first thing a person notices about you even before having a close contact with you is the way you dress. One's mode of dressing speaks volumes about one's personality. The dress style of a single lady also tells alot about her character. One mistake single ladies make these days is wearing clothes that reveal parts of their body which are considered erotic and so private. A good number of these ladies believes that wearing such clothes would attract men to them. The truth is that,it actually does attract a lot of male admirers flocking around you. The reason for this is that your dress style stimulates the release of the male sex hormone into their body system and puts them in the mood for sex (sexual heat). Single ladies who wear revealing clothes send just one message to men and the message is that you are available in bed. Men aren't stupid as you think, they have this erroneous belief that a lady who is bold enough to

Lasting Relationships: The Rules!!!

Rule 2: DO NOT BE IN A HURRY TO SAY " YES, I DO". Single ladies have different reasons for saying "Yes, I do" to suitors when they come calling. A good number of them say "yes, i do" because they want to be married like their mates. They wish to be addressed as Mrs. Others say "Yes, i do" because they see it as a way of escaping poverty. Some also say it out of desperation and frustration. Most single ladies who make marital mistakes are those in a hurry to say "yes,i do" because of these reasons stated above. Marriage is good for every lady, but it should not be a do or die affair. Any single lady that takes it that way may end up making mistakes that she'll regret later in life. Every single lady who has a suitor at her door step must think first before saying "i do". She must ask herself certain questions to know whether to go ahead with the marriage or not. What are these questions ? 1. Am I doing the rig

Lasting Relationships: The Rules!!

Rule 1: PRAY FOR GOD'S DIRECTION CONCERNING THE MARRIAGE Every woman has an attribute she desires in a man. It may be physical appearance,good manners, or fame. But if she makes her choice based on the qualities she desires in a man, she is likely to make a wrong choice. What most single ladies fail to understand is that a woman's Mr. Right may be God's Mr. Wrong and her Mr. Wrong maybe God's Mr. Right. Most single ladies have ended up dashing their dreams of a happy and successful marriage because they made their choices based on their romantic intuitions. Some maybe locked in a marriage with their Mr. Right who in actual sense is God's Mr. Wrong and experience pains,regrets and an unsuccessful marriage while others may consider divorce as a way to ending the pains of a failed marriage. Being able to discern God's Mr. Right when he comes may be a bit difficult for most ladies, but there are certain things that will show that he is God's Mr. Right

Lasting Relationships% The Rules!

Every woman's dream is to get married,preferably, to d man of her dreams,have children and raise them so that they would become responsible. However, it is not every woman that is lucky enough to get a husband. Some do not find theirs even after menopause. Most of these ladies are usually made to believe that their problems are caused by supernatural beings and so the problems must be tackled through supernatural means. But what we ladies fail to understand is that supernatural beings have very little to do with our problems. Most of the time,it is we ladies that cause the problems because we do not do the right things. There are certain things a single lady needs to know about arousing a man's interest in her,sustaining his interest and ultimately going down the aisle to be joined as husband and wife. There are therefore 12 rules for single ladies who wish to get married without tears....

Bill Gates' wife fetches water with 20ltrs bucket on her head.

Despite her status as been married to the richest man in the world, Melinda didn't just carry the bucket on her head but also helped in washing dishes and stayed in the home of a couple in a village. Click here for the full story

Relationships: What is love? Five theories on the greatest emotion of all

The Panel; The physicist: ' Love is chemistry' Biologically, love is a powerful neurological condition like hunger or thirst, only more permanent. We talk about love being blind or unconditional, in the sense that we have no control over it. But then, that is not so surprising since love is basically chemistry. While lust is a temporary passionate sexual desire involving the increased release of chemicals such as testosterone and oestrogen, in true love, or attachment and bonding, the brain can release a whole set of chemicals: pheromones, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin and vasopressin. However, from an evolutionary perspective, love can be viewed as a survival tool – a mechanism we have evolved to promote long-term relationships, mutual defence and parental support of children and to promote feelings of safety and security. Jim Al-Khalili is a theoretical physicist and science writer The psychotherapist: ' Love has many guises' Unlike us, th