Lasting Relationships: Rule 6

Most single ladies pretend to be what they are not just to win the hearts of men they admire. This is wrong; pretense is a wrong way to win a man’s heart. A woman can easily deceive a man by pretending to be what she is not, but one day, he would find out the truth about you and would not
hesitate to walk away. You can deceive people sometimes and get away with it, but you cannot deceive them all the time. Men do not appreciate women who pretend to be what they are not, they love women who are always themselves.
If you are interested in winning the heart of a man, you should never pretend to be what you are not.
Always be yourself and you should not try to impress a man by being what you are not. If he is really in love with you, he would go for you irrespective of your faults. It is only a man who is not genuinely in love with you that would walk away from you because of your faults.
A real man understands that no woman is perfect; he sees your fault but still finds you completely amazing.
It is better for a woman to be her natural self and let the man see and appreciate her just the way she is and not the
way she is not.
Ruth, the virtuous woman of the bible did
not pretend to be what she was not in order to win the heart of Boaz. She was herself and this made her win the heart of
the man who later became her husband.


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