Lasting Relationships: Rule 12

This is the last Rule in this series. Hope you've all been blessed by it.
Humility is one of the attributes men desire in women. They appreciate women that are humble. A humble woman will never raise her shoulder for any man. She may be very rich and influential, but she would not intimidate people who are not as fortunate as she with her wealth or status.
These days, most single ladies lack humility. Because most of them are fortunate to have lucrative jobs, they look down on men who are not as rich as they are and even on their fellow women who are not privileged as they are. They feel like goddesses that should be worshipped and adored. Single ladies who look down on men because of their financial status or social background find it difficult to get a man’s ring, and you never get his ring until you have required him to pop the question. If you are interested in marriage, you should be humble and treat men with respect. You should be nice and friendly too. There is nothing wrong in acknowledging a man’s smile or greeting. There is nothing wrong in smiling back and saying “hello”. There is nothing wrong in being the first to greet a man. He may not be as wealthy as you, but if you show him that respect he deserves as a man, he would appreciate you. A humble lady, men say, makes a very good wife.
Enjoy your weekend people.


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