Lasting Relationships: The Rules!!

Rule 1:

Every woman has an attribute she desires in a man. It may be physical appearance,good manners, or fame. But if she makes her choice based on the qualities she desires in a man, she is likely to make a wrong choice. What most single ladies fail to understand is that a woman's Mr. Right
may be God's Mr. Wrong and her Mr. Wrong maybe God's Mr. Right.
Most single ladies have ended up dashing their dreams of a happy and successful marriage because they made their
choices based on their romantic intuitions.
Some maybe locked in a marriage with their Mr. Right who in actual sense is God's Mr. Wrong and experience pains,regrets and an unsuccessful marriage while others
may consider divorce as a way to ending the pains of a failed marriage.
Being able to discern God's Mr. Right when he comes may be a bit difficult for most ladies, but there are certain things
that will show that he is God's Mr. Right and the right choice for you.
One of the ways of identifying God's Mr. Right is that your negative traits,attributes or qualities will neither put him off
or scare him, rather, he will tolerate them and try to inculcate into you new values that would make you a better person.
Another pointer that he is God's Mr. Right is that he compliments you. He is like your other half without which you will never be complete. A religious writer wrote in his
book that "God split the soul of a man and made him two souls,a woman became his other soul and the man would never be happy until he is with the woman and become part of her and she part of him. Pray fervently for God's.
Watch out for part 2


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