Lasting Relationships: Rule 4


These days, almost single ladies see men as “bees that produce honey” that is why they go all out to milk them dry whenever they come around. If they do not demand to be taken out for lunch or dinner, they would ask for one favor or another.
Men, being what they are would always accede to their demands, but they would take to their heels once they get that thing that makes them happy. A lot of single
ladies have lost men who would have made wonderful husbands just because of their excessive love for money
and material wealth. Men are not foolish; they are even wiser than women think and should not be under rated.
When am man who is ripe for marriage begins to take interest in you, his aim is usually to study you and find out and find out if you can make a good wife.
If you begin to make unnecessary financial demands, you are sending the
wrong signal to him.
The signal you send to him is that you
are only interested in his wallet. Men do not take such ladies seriously, they believe that such ladies don’t stay long in a man’s house, such ladies they say would be there for the man when the going is good but would abandon him once the money is no longer there.
When a man gets this negative signal from you, his next reaction is to sleep with
you and dump you.
If you are interested in getting married, you should never make unnecessary financial demand from your suitor; you
should not be the one to ask for lunch or dinner. A caring man always knows the material needs of his partner and
would not hesitate to meet up with them if he has the means or wherewithal to do that. You should also avoid heaping all your financial problems on a man; no man wants to be a beast of burden. The moment a man interested in you discovers that you are only out to turn him into such a beast, he’ll lose interest in you. If you are genuinely interested in a man show him that you can be financially independent of him.
You should buy your own lunch and be
like the feminine rap artist who buys the shoes on her feet, the expensive clothes she wears, the car she drives and the
house she lives in. If a single lady is financially independent and do not run to her partner each time she needs lunch or
dinner, he will have much respect for her, but if she disturbs him with her financial needs ,he will respect her the way
respects pests like rats or parasites like mosquitoes and bed bugs.


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