Lasting Relationships: The Rules ; Rule 3

Rule 3:

The first thing a person notices about you even before having a close contact with you is the way you dress. One's mode of dressing speaks volumes about one's personality.
The dress style of a single lady also tells alot about her character.
One mistake single ladies make these days is wearing clothes that reveal parts of their body which are considered erotic and so private. A good number of these ladies
believes that wearing such clothes would attract men to them. The truth is that,it actually does attract a lot of male
admirers flocking around you.
The reason for this is that your dress style stimulates the release of the male sex
hormone into their body system and puts them in the mood for sex (sexual heat).
Single ladies who wear revealing clothes send just one message to men and the message is that you are available in bed. Men aren't stupid as you think, they have this erroneous belief that a lady who is bold enough to wear revealing clothes is not different from a prostitute. They
could desire to sleep with you and satisfy their sexual appetite, but none of them would consider you good enough for marriage.
Any single lady who is interested in getting married should dress decently and moderately.
Dressing decently and moderately does not mean you should not look good and
appealing to men, it does not mean you should not look trendy. If you fail to look good and appealing to the eye, no man would say HELLO to you or even look at you. No man wants a wife that looks like Sarah or Mary Magdalene. If you're  the type that uses cosmetics to enhance your beauty, pls do so moderately. Applying much of it can make you look like a masquerade or even a wind washed prostitute, and would no doubt scare men from you.
Every man wants a wife he can be proud to show to his family and friends. A lady may be good and virtuous but appearance matters alot in relationship. Christian sisters who think they can get husbands by looking like Mary Magdalene should have a rethink. It is not a sin for you to wear decent clothes that look appealing to the eye.
No sane man, not even a christian brother would like to have a wife that looks like his grandmother in the village, even if the
lady is lucky enough to get a husband, She would only get

one that looks like her, perhaps someone who dresses like
Moses or Elijah


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