Lasting Relationships: Rule 5


The way one speaks matters a lot. It reveals ones personality. A lot of single ladies don’t know that the way a woman talks can affect her chances of getting married either positively or negatively. A lady may be beautiful, but if she is not polite in talking she may find it difficult to get a life partner. Men believe that such women hardly make good wives, so they shy away from them. Even if they
succeed in getting married, the marriage will never last long.
A woman had to re-marry five times because of the offensive way she talked to her partners.
If you are desirous of going to the alter with a man, you should always be polite when talking. Men admire women
that talk politely. A woman who talks politely easily win a man’s heart, polite words are like cold water to a man’s
heart. You can make a man’s heart melt with love by just being polite to him. It works just like magic.
A woman whose tongue wags a lot is considered to be even more horrible than the one who is polite in talking. Men
believe that such ladies not only make bad wives, but are likely to put their partners into trouble with their tongues.
Most of the time, you say what you are not supposed to say and end up creating problems not only for yourselves, but
for your partners as well. Single ladies who talk a lot hardly get husbands. Stop being a talkative and watch the way you


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