
Showing posts from September, 2017

Society : Diary Of A Scarlet Woman!!

DIARY OF A SCARLET WOMAN EPISODE 13 I cried my eyes out when I got that text from Stanley. It’s true we hadn't been in talking terms since I returned to Enugu and I had been ignoring his calls and BBM messages. I needed some time to cool off and forget that ugly incident.  A lot had happened in my life ever since I met him, so I wanted to take a break, but not this; break up? After everything I had been through because of him? I called nma on the phone to complain to her and begged her to talk to Andrew to intercede on my behalf. I still loved Stanley. He was my first love and in as much I was angry at him, I couldn’t stop loving him. I also tried to reach Stanley but all his phone lines were switched off.  I cried my eyes out that day and slept off. I refused eating and my attitude at home sulked.  My grandma was out of town, I am sure she would have seen through me.  I didn’t deserve all these, I wanted him to be patient with me, to stand by me throughout this trying

Society : Diary Of A Scarlet Woman!!

DIARY OF SCARLET WOMAN EPISODE 12: “I don’t think I can continue this relationship anymore. I pray you find someone better…” that was the text I got from Stanley barely 3weeks after I had an abortion.  Well let me rewind a little bit... After our weekend/holiday groove, we returned to school via flight on the Tuesday. It was an afternoon flight. Everything went on well until 4weeks later when I missed my monthly visitor.  I panicked.  I had been tutored by my midwife granny to always mark my menstrual cycle dates accurately. I was perturbed after 4days from my due date, I still hadn't seen it. I confided in my roommate, nma, about my suspicion and fear. We agreed to get a pregnancy test strip to confirm. My fears were finally confirmed…double line on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd test-strip. I fell in nma’s arms crying. Annie later came around and I informed her of my predicament. She felt pity for me. “But Sharon why? Didn’t you take porstinor-2 or any drug after you guys h
DIARY OF A SCARLET WOMAN EPISODE 11: I prepared boiled yam and egg sauce for everyone. We were enjoying the meal when Stanley walked in. it was past 8pm. “Hello peeps” he greeted everyone and came close to me. “Hi darling. Did you miss me?” he asked while handing me a gift bag.  I clearly wasn’t interested in his pleasantries. I stood up and made my way to the kitchen. He followed suit. He held me from behind as soon as we got into the kitchen. “I am sorry dear. I was with some of my friends. I went to hang out with them and I didn’t hear my phone ring because of the loud noise at the lounge where we sat. I should have informed you earlier and I am sorry.” He finally said now facing me and looking at my moody face. He tried to tickle me and flattered me with some sweet names. I finally caved in. At least he has apologized and with a gift. I opened the bag and I saw a lovely wristwatch. It was beautiful. I hugged him and planted a soft kiss on his lips. “I hope you love it?”

Diary Of A Scarlet Woman!!

DIARY OF A SCARLET WOMAN EPISODE 10 I woke up with a banging headache.  I could feel my brains pounding. Hangover! I struggled to get out of bed.  I opened my eyes and it was already past 11am.  Damn!  I must have slept my brains out...who wouldn't? After sleeping by almost 5am a night before.  I was still trying to grasp the reality of the day when I heard a knock on the door. I was too weak to ask who it was but after a few seconds, the door was opened.  It was Stanley, walking in with a tray of invisible items.  I couldn't see the contents from where I was lying and i couldn't even open my eyes clearly. "Good morning my angel" he greeted. "I hope you slept well?" He continued. I just simply nodded in affirmation.  He smiled and came close to the bed and sat down. He brought a hot sweet smelling cup of tea and toast bread and some baked beans on the side. He looked at me and smiled.  "Baby I made this for you. I am sure y

Society : Diary Of A Scarlet Woman!!

DIARY OF A SCARLET WOMAN EPISODE 9: We got to the house before 3:50am. The road was clear as few cars plied the road. We still blasted some music on our way home. I felt a new kind of energy. I wasn’t really tired but the club house became stuffy and the air became hot. I tried cheering Annie up on our way home. She finally brightened up and opened up on her attraction to the man made her want to stay more.  I was surprised. Ah Annie! I thought you have a boyfriend” I exclaimed. She gave me a nudge. “So? Somebody cannot like someone else again?” she threw back at me. Well it’s her life I concluded. She was clearly happy and from what I could deduce, she is attracted to older men. Chidinma was half asleep when we got to the house. Andrew had to hold her as we entered the house. He took her to her room and tucked her in to sleep. Anita entered her room, same with Andrew and Stanley and I was left in the sitting room. I took off my shoes and felt so good...…that relief.

Society : If I were a woman, I would be a slay queen!!

If I were a woman, I would be a slay queen When I walk, I will tremble. I will fix my nails and scatter my fingers. I will paint them in crazy colours. I will learn how to flick my eyelids. And how to roll my eyes. I will pout my lips in church. I will  take pictures with my mouth half open, like our former petroleum minister. I will wear tight dresses. If I catch them looking, I will scowl. I will teach my temper how to be brittle and inflammable .It’s   all part of being hot. I will learn modern gestures.   I will learn how to hiss with my eyes rather than my mouth. I have to make them believe there is more to me. I will never be seen with a bag without an eloquent label. I will suck up only to the high and mighty. And I will trample on the lowly. That’s class.   I will treat luxury like it’s routine. That’s how to belong. I will let my selection of phones leave a message. I will stay away from every prospect of humiliation. On my Instagram page, I will  pepper  them.

Society : Diary Of A Scarlet Woman!!

DIARY OF A SCARLET WOMAN EPISODE 8 “Love who you love because life isn’t guaranteed. You've got to get up and make a move...The world won’t see you until you do”… Yes I want to love and be loved and also see the world. We left the house at few minutes past 2pm. The boys got ready much earlier whilst the ladies had to take their time to look good. He picked his father’s Mercedes Benz G-wagon, black in color. The car spoke of class. The interiors exuded pure quality, the seat made from soft leather. Andrew sat in front while the ladies sat behind. It took me a while before I stopped looking around inside the car. The best I have been in was my father’s cars, a pajero jeep and his Volvo car. Both with fabric seat and stereo radio. Money is good, I said to myself. We blasted some Nigerian jams as we set sail to celebrate Stanley’s day. First we dropped by at Shoprite, picked some drinks and grilled chicken, then we proceeded to Dominos/cold-stone to get some pizza and i

Society : Diary Of A Scarlet Woman!!

DIARY OF A SCARLET WOMAN EPISODE 7 He eventually caught up with me as I ran up the stairs. I was panting and he held me from behind. We were just laughing like kids playing hide and seek. He was just fun to be with. We ended up in his room. I just laid down to catch my breath. He just stood there staring at me…he loves what he is seeing. I was just rocking my sexy navy blue nightie, my boobs were kind of visible and were popping out while I was running around. No bra on but my breast were still full, thanks to my virgin status. He joined me on the bed and we cuddled up. This was the first time I was lying this close to a man besides my father when I was still a little girl.  He smelled lovely and held me like a baby. “You are very beautiful, you know that right?” he said to me.  I giggled and blushed. I felt good around him. He said all sorts of sweet things to me while I looked into his eyes.  I could see the sincerity in them.  We ended up kissing passionately.  

Society : Diary Of A Scarlet Woman!!

DIARY OF A SCARLET WOMAN EPISODE 6 About an hour later, the boys returned with several yellow nylons filled with food, drinks and other edibles. They also got us pizza and ice cream from dominos/cold stone. We got out of the pool in excitement, hungry and ready to devour. They went upstairs, before they found us behind the house.  The excitement on their faces showed they loved what they were seeing…3 gorgeous looking girls in bikinis, smoking hot and dripping water.  I can only imagine the joy in their hearts. We all sat outside at the grass court to enjoy the food and drinks. They couldn’t take their eyes off us. Stanley winked at me several times as I smiled and blushed. Later in the evening, he took us to the cinemas to see a movie.  I got to see the beautiful city of Lagos. The town looked lovely, nice edifices, flashy cars and a busy city. We experienced traffic jam several times before we got to Shoprite Lekki, where the cinema was situated.  The movie ended by

Society : Diary Of A Scarlet Woman!

DIARY OF A SCARLET WOMAN EPISODE 5 My relationship with Stanley blossomed. He was gentle and kind.  Showered me with lots of gifts and affections. On his birthday, which coincidentally fell on a weekend preceding a public holiday, he arranged we all leave school and travel with him to Lagos to celebrate his birthday.  The five (5) of us, I, nma, Anita, Andrew and Stanley, will sign our exeat  and leave school.  It’s been almost 6months since we became official. I remember my first kiss…omg! It was magical. We went to the sports complex to watch some basketball games.  It was an inter-department competition. The games ended past 6pm and we just sat back chilling for Chidinma and Andrew, they went to buy ice cream. He asked me to follow him, that he wanted to show me something. Innocently, I followed him and he took me to a hidden corner around the sports complex…away from the eyes of everyone.  He leaned me against the wall and looked into my eyes. I smiled. I started

Society :Diary Of A Scarlet Woman!

DIARY OF A SCARLET WOMAN EPISODE 4: One faithful day, I, nma and Annie (their pet names), we all went to the cafeteria to eat lunch.  While we were slowly and stylishly munching our meals and licking lips in the usual girl’s manner, two cute boys walked up to our table. One was fair in complexion, the other chocolate skinned.  They wanted to join us in our table.  Anita smiled and looked at us. We finally obliged them and that was how we all got talking after meal. They introduced themselves as Andrew and Stanley. They were both law students but in their 400level.  They were both tall and stylish.  Stanley took interest in me and I kind of liked him too.  He seemd so different and well mannered.  I would say he was a perfect gentleman. He had a lovely smile and I loved his dark skin color, I don’t know if the dark porn guys I have watched messed with my mind.  We became friends and we were seen all around campus together but not in secluded places or at night (agains

Society : Diary Of A Scarlet Woman!

DIARY OF A SCARLET WOMAN EPISODE 3 Everything was going just well till I turned 18. Even though I just clocked 18, I looked much older than my age. I could pass as a 22-23year old girl. I was tall and have matured looks with well-rounded breasts. I was in Anita’s room, chilling. I was bored and I decided to visit her. Chidinma travelled home on exit (compulsory for all students). I borrowed Anita’s laptop to watch some movies. That was the moment that my water broke and pushed out the amorous desires inside me. I stumbled upon some pornographic videos in one of the folders in her laptop. Out of curiosity, I opened one of the files, and for the first time in my life, I saw a naked man. Wow! My eyes popped out and I tried to cover my mouth from screaming. I have had a faint idea about the parts of the body during my primary school days and about the reproductive organs during my biology classes but seeing this video, came with a rush of ideas into my head and body.  I suddenl

Society : Diary Of A Scarlet Woman!

DIARY OF A SCARLET WOMAN EPISODE 2: I focused on my WASSCE examinations and I passed with flying colors. I made 5A’s and 4B’s. My parents were very proud of me. I was showered with gifts including a brand-new laptop. I equally sat for JAMB that year, and I scored 280. My dad opted I attend a private university, so I can be closely monitored. Initially I was against it. I wanted to go to a public school like most of my friends. The thought of a private university wasn’t exactly my idea of a school. I heard  stories and gist about the secluded and regimented lifestyle there. But I didn’t have much say, my dad’s decision was final. My mum couldn’t oppose him.  He has my best interest in heart, so he said, but he went about it the wrong way. He always says that the girls in public universities are wayward and exposed. That he doesn’t want that for his only daughter. I was helpless and decided to accept my fate. Later that year, I gained admission into Madonna University, Okija campu

Society : Diary Of A Scarlet Woman

Kate, DIARY OF A SCARLET WOMAN EPISODE 1: My name is Ogechi Sharon Ubah but I am popularly called 'Queen shady' because of my beautiful looks and voluptuous body and I am a CALL GIRL. Yes you heard me right…you can also call me a runs babe. I live a life of affluence and style. I fly private jet and shop around the globe. I am beautiful and attract the high and mighty in town.  It will take only a man filled with the Holy Spirit to resist my beauty… I am every man’s fantasy. I am tall, fair in complexion with a well-toned skin, perfect coca cola shaped body and a pretty face. But I didn’t start out to be like this. I never envisaged to be this hot, well- sought girl who graces the bed of married men and well known pastors and politicians. Do I really have any excuse for my way of life? I have had various opportunities of turning a new leaf but my greed for riches and vain lifestyle kept pushing me. The quest to fit in with the glamour and urge to belong with the high