Society : Diary Of A Scarlet Woman!!



I cried my eyes out when I got that text from Stanley.
It’s true we hadn't been in talking terms since I returned to Enugu and I had been ignoring his calls and BBM messages.
I needed some time to cool off and forget that ugly incident.
 A lot had happened in my life ever since I met him, so I wanted to take a break, but not this; break up? After everything I had been through because of him? I called nma on the phone to complain to her and begged her to talk to Andrew to intercede on my behalf. I still loved Stanley. He was my first love and in as much I was angry at him, I couldn’t stop loving him.
I also tried to reach Stanley but all his phone lines were switched off.
 I cried my eyes out that day and slept off. I refused eating and my attitude at home sulked.
 My grandma was out of town, I am sure she would have seen through me.
 I didn’t deserve all these, I wanted him to be patient with me, to stand by me throughout this trying time of my life not to break up with me via a text message.
 I hated myself.
Hated the fact I lost my pride to him, got pregnant and risked my life to abort the baby.

 I was lost in my own world.
Days rolled into weeks as I began to get over Stanley.
I had barely 2weeks to return to school so I needed to forget him completely. Chidinma told me she called it quits with Andrew too.
 I guess my strained relationship with Stanley affected hers too...…ripple effect. I used the most part of my holidays to read and develop myself.
Books on sex, relationships, history, and biography.
I also read a lot on female anatomy, books on personal development and other romance novels.
I needed to widen my scope and be a better lady.
I had learnt from my bitter experience…once bitten, twice shy.
I started to feel alive again, I got closer to God too, prayed and begged for forgiveness and promised never to stray away from his presence.
I still kept in touch with my two best friends throughout the holiday.
They helped pull me out of pains and comforted me.
We all spent hours skyping and talking to each other.

They regularly send articles for me to read and be enlightened about the female cycle and sex in general.
 I really appreciated them.
My older brothers were also supportive, although they had no idea what their kid sister had gone through.
They took me out during the holiday, we went to the cinemas and some game parks to have fun.
They also told me one or two things about guys and their tricks in order to keep me safe from predators.
I wish they had told me this much earlier, just maybe I wouldn't have fallen prey to Stanley’s charms.
 I really enjoyed their company.
Few days to our departure to our respective campuses…....they were entering their final year in school, 5-years course while I was entering my 300level, dad took us all shopping for clothes and other stuffs.
He always ensures his kids never lack.

I returned to school on a Friday.
I wanted to settle in before lectures resumed on the Monday.
 Due to hostel re-allocation, I got a new roommate and nma got another.
 I really missed her, but that didn’t stop me from visiting her and Annie regularly. My new roommate, Gloria, was a 200level student of business administration.
She was pretty and friendly, so I knew we would also get along.
Things returned to normalcy and I moved on.
I ran into Stanley on various occasions in school but I avoided him completely.
I changed my wardrobe, thanks to my dad and I was looking good, better than before.
My boobs had increased and my skin was radiating.
I felt new with more self-confidence. Stanley tried to talk to me on several occasions but I shunned him on each occasion.
 I knew better than to go back to him.
I realised he was still a boy and needed to grow up.
Annie always told me that school boys had nothing to offer, they will only destroy your waist and if anything comes up, they will duck and her words made sense now.
Stanley was a cool guy but I think my attitude towards him made him develop cold feet but it only showed he still had a lot to learn.
 I beard no grudge against him but I was done with that part.
Some boys tried asking me out but I equally shunned them all… I wasn’t emotionally available and to date a student again?
 My academics was my immediate priority as I fully focused on it. I needed to make my parents proud.

Andrew tried to get back with nma but her loyalty to our friendship made her back out.
 It would really seem awkward and she got scared that Andrew might hurt her the way Stanley did to me.
I completely understood her fears, like they say, birds of the same feather…..
I also noticed some of Stanley’s frat members in school.
Prior to that day at the beach in Lagos, I didn’t know some of the guys were Madonna students.
I saw their handshakes in school, some of them were in my department and level. They were very discrete about it, as any suspicion from the school management results to instant expulsion.
I read a lot about cultism during the holiday, their various names, their colours and symbols.
I later confirmed that Stanley belonged to the ‘buccaneer’s confraternity’, hence the yellow beret and handshake.
They seemed cool and all as most of them were calm and usually non-violent, but that didn't justify their association. Right now, I don’t give a hoot about them, I said to myself as clearly I had seized all association with Stanley.
He represented a bitter experience I wanted to leave behind.
But sometimes life can surprise you even in moments you least expect, events and experiences of life can push you into a dark corner that you eventually struggle to come out of.
My story is just beginning…... 


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