Society: Your Environment Affects You

I grew up in Lagos, I always consoled myself that my street was better than Ajegunle. Actually, it is. I grew up in the ghetto. I ain't from a rich family,twenty something years ago, it was one of the most beautiful places in Lagos, my compound was neat and had flowers all over, but as years passed, things changed. The once tarred road changed to the most dreaded road like the road at Aba (if you have been to Aba, you will understand ). There in the ghetto, I saw things but I wasn't allowed to say them. I could only see these things and imagine them. Now I can write them. I saw fathers sleep with their daughters because they were obsessed with their daughters and got jealous at the thought of seeing a male with their daughters. I saw wives sleep with other men to provide for the family and also make it seem their husbands are responsible. I saw kids that were neglected by their parents join bad gangs. I saw boys as young as 10years old smoking indian hemps, "igbo...