Society : Do males gossip?

It's been proven that males are "amebos" than females, not
Every lady needs a mature man in her life, not for dating, not
for marriage, not even for sex, but someone she can talk to
and be free with.
I have a friend, he's a mature man, we have been friends for
2years now but it's like we have known each other for years.
No one knows my husband except 2 people, no one knows
my boyfriend except 2 people, no one knows who my best
friends are except 2 people, and these 2 people no one
knows who they are.
I don't know what the future holds for me, but I know I won't
have a snitch as a friend..
Be careful of bitter people, with their bitter lives, that run or
speak ill or say things about others to make themselves feel
Be careful of people that are angered about life. They will
never encourage you, all they do is discourage you and then
blame the witches in their village for the problem they are
According to Farida, they blame NEPA or Goodluck or the
Police for their failures.
I'm avoiding a drama free life, I wouldn't want to find myself in
a case whereby, TMZ, or Linda Ikeji, or Stella D.. (Bla bla bla)
or the top gossip site then will get personal infos about me
from supposed friends who are tagged or given pet names as
"close/reliable sources".
I wouldn't want my pasts be dug out by wicked people
because they want to run me down.
I don't have haters.
I like to think I don't have haters, what am I even having
haters for?
What do I have?
I have just 300naira in my bank account.
I'm not even from a rich home.
The word "Hater" don't exist in my dictionary.
Maybe people just love me too much to let go.
I don't get jealous of people.
It's just me, I don't know what I have to get jealous of.
Ok! Not to sound too perfect, I read of a 10yr old girl that
gained admission into the University, I swear, I was jealous.
I wish I'm that intelligent. I wish I know Maths, if I do, I won't
fail Maths in school, oh yes! I'm jealous of Nsikan the Genius,
I'm jealous of Nathy, he's a guru. I'm jealous of Hart, the best
programmer I've seen.
I'm not jealous worthy, pick on someone else to get jealous
Maybe I earn money from my Facebook account, it's a
chicken fee, why then should what I do be judged or
You hate me this much?
Why? Am I worthy of your hatred?
Have you seen me before? Do you know me outside
Have you heard me speak? Do you know who I am apart from
the e-celeb on Facebook?
Ask "the 2people" that knows me and I've met me.
If you are bitter about life, if you believe in God, talk to a
Pastor or an Imam.
See a psychologist.
This doesn't have a particular story line, it's just me letting
It has no moral lesson. Maybe it does.
Go figure...


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