
I can't remember the age I was when I first watched the movie "Mr Bones", maybe 11 or 12.
It was the funniest comedy movie that time, I think it was rated PG because it had no sex scene, which was why I loved it.
The movie "Mr Bones" made me understand that if a bird
"shits" on your head, its a good sign that means you would be a king.
So after I watched "Mr Bones" , off I went on a search to look
for a bird that will "shit" on my head.. This search went on for weeks but it was futile. One find day,
I was playing "Suwe" with the other kids, and yes a bird "shit"
on a girl's head...
We all left the "Suwe" we were playing and on the chase of
taking the shit off her head and rubbing it on ours
The girl in turn was screaming "happily" because she thought
she would be a king and maybe something good was gonna
happen to her...
Oh Lort!!!
While she ran to her mum to share the good news, I ran to my
mum to share the bad news and begging her to buy me a bird
so it can shit on my head...
That's how fucked up it was.
I just finished secondary school when I watched the movie
"Legally Blonde" it's about a young princess that was
groomed to love a guy, but unfortunately for her he loved a
lawyer, so in her quest to get back the guy, she went to the
guy's school to also study law but along the line, she gave up
and concentrated more on her studies and came out top in
class, ahead of the guy and his girlfriend.
Now, when I finished watching this movie. I started mimicking
her accent, the way she rolled her tongue and her eyes.
I loved it, I felt like a princess.
This went on for weeks and I snapped back.
When I watch Xmen movies, I loved shadow cat, the first time
I met shadow cat, in a cartoon actually, I loved that she could
enter the wall.
I don't know what came over me, but I must have been
deceived that I was shadow cat.
One day, I was home alone and just finished watching an
episode of Xmen, next thing I did, I went outside, with full
speed and ran with the hope of running and entering inside
the wall..
But I didn't enter, I hit my head so hard against the wall I
I was given first aid...
Maybe shadow cat wasn't compatible with my genes I told
myself, I turned to Jane Grey.
When my mum sent me on errands to get something for her in
the next room, or on the table.
I would stare at the object she asked me to get with hope
that my eyes would pick it up just like Jane Grey did...
I would stare at it for 5mins, till she slaps my head.
It didn't work so I gave up...
My next door neighbor had 6boys, and her husband was a
huge WWE fan. He always bought the discs and he would
gather all his kids to watch.
I wasn't that much a fan, I only loved females fight.
When they were done watching, the boys will fight themselves
and do the moves/finishing they saw these wrestlers did.
Their father will cheer them up and even buy biscuits for the
That fateful day, these boys as usual finished watching the
latest episode of WWE and as usual went out to act out the
The eldest tried a move, I was watching from upstairs, I was
even cheering them up and throwing papers like it was money
in the bank...
The eldest brother got hold of his youngest brother, took his
head and placed it in between his legs,
He raised the youngest brother's legs up and pulled an
Undertaker stunt on his brother ...
But oooopssssss...
We heard a sound...
He broke his brother's neck..
He let out a loud cry...
I stopped cheering, I quietly entered my house.
When I came out at night, he had a big bandage round his
neck, his face and eyes all swollen, while his brother had ran
From that day, I stopped acting out what I saw in movies.
At that young age, I told myself most of the things I saw were
film tricks...
Kids act out what they see ..
Especially cartoons or movies with special powers..
I know I always tried to fly like Jet Lee, or Bruce Lee
Those good old days...


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