Society : Psychopaths!

Years back when I was still whisked by love, I met this fine
young man.
He had a top spot in an oil company, very intelligent,
handsome too and was a gentle man.
He was light skinned, had the looks of Michael Ealy (have you
seen the movie for colored girls? He's that troubled dude that
threw his 2children from that 4storey building? He's also that
chef in Think Like a Man) remember him now? Good!
He had a combination of Micheal Ealy, Terrence J and Chad
Murray (Oh Lort, I just died so much cuteness in one
person )
Well, maybe I'm exaggerating, but he was such a fine young
So we liked each other, he always called me and I did call
I noticed anytime we had any misunderstanding, he would
threaten to kill himself, at first, I thought it was normal lines.
But anytime there was a misunderstanding or an argument, he
would threaten to kill himself.
I was scared as I won't want to be responsible for someone's
I withdrew from him, which was a bad mistake..
He called me, I told him I was scared being his friend and I
didn't want to be anymore, he begged but I turned deaf ears,
his last words were "you are responsible for my death" .
Of course he's joking I told myself, I even laughed at it.
Ermm, too bad, he wasn't..
I got a call from his mother, he didn't die but according to
Doctor's report, it will take more than a miracle to save him.
How? Why?
After he dropped the call, he went to his house and took over
dose drugs, he just took all the drugs in his house that he
could find and ooopps, he gulped them down.
I didn't believe it, so I asked a pic of him in the hospital, after
all, someone can hire a woman to act as his mum.
A pic was sent to me, yes, he was in the hospital, and was
taking a bag of drip.
I was scared, very scared.
I didn't know someone would go to that length.
I was supposed to feel guilty and rush to him, but I didn't,
instead I ran for my dear life.
I hate psychopath.
This guy is one.
When someone threatens to take his/her life if left/dumped,
that person is crazy. He/she is abnormal.
This happened 5years ago, and I've recently met another
You may never know someone is mentally unstable.
Looks are deceiving, that's why it's good to get to know
someone not just by the perfect photos.
There are a lot of unstable individuals on Facebook, they write
well, they make good posts, they laugh just like you and I but
they are psychos.
Emotional manipulators.
You know that feeling you get when a young lady is flaunting
her perfect man everywhere, but everyone except her knows
he's an animal but can't tell her???
Oh Lort!!!
It's worse.
How to spot a psycho?
1. He/she stalks you.
2. He/she professes love to you, and can't take a NO. You
dare not say a NO.
3. They tell you stories of bad exes/relationships that probably
never happened.
4. He/she claims to have taken the NO, but they didn't.
5. And when the NO must have sunk in, he /she says his family
already knows you as the love of his life.
6. Next this psycho will claim to go on a revenge mission to
hurt other people because you hurt him/her.
7. Worst case scenario, this psycho tries to kill himself by
playing the guilty card with you so you feel guilty and stick to
Psychos are attractive people.
They seem normal but they are NOT.
Anyone that threatens to take him/her life because you no
more interested in being friends, lovers or whatever to them
anymore, that person is crazy and a psycho.


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