Society : Your take!

I have mixed feelings about this.
Here's what happened,
This man pictured here was forced to choose between his wife
and his newborn son that has downsyndrome(I think we call it
imbecile here in Nigeria)
In Armenia, any child born with downsyndrome is assumed to
be "cursed" and when this happens the child is thrown away
or left to die, its like their culture/tradition, they don't even
want the child when its born.
Now, this man is from New Zealand but his married wife is an
Armenian woman.
When she gave birth, she had already told the doctor to throw
the child away, even her family supported it. But the man, her
husband didn't agree to it.
He wanted the child so he took him.
Well, his wife, the mother of his son has filed for a divorce,
because she can't be with a cursed child.
The man took to Facebook to get funds so he can go back to
New Zealand where he can properly take care of his son, he
needed $64,000 but he got $350,000.
According to him, he would use the money to take care of his
son and also for his education.
When this hit the internet, the woman was and is still called
all kinda names, from evil to heartless to irresponsible and the
The question is, is she really evil?
To me, I don't think she is, she knew she couldn't take care of
their child and she left him. Its stressful having to take care of
children like this because they need a 24hr attention. Instead
of her resenting the child she chose to let him go...
Does this make her evil?


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