
Showing posts from December, 2015

Society : Breast Sucking Good For You?

The female breasts, also known as “the twins” or “the girls”, have remained the most conspicuous and attractive feature of the female sexual organ. Perhaps, its strategic positioning and function adds to its importance in the life of a woman. Besides the age long biological function of the breasts as a source of food and nourishment for babies, the breast is also a major source of sexual attraction for the male specie, just as it is also a key sexual organ for the woman, highly sensitive to stimulation. The fact that they come in various shapes and sizes, further add to their uniqueness and endearing place in our hearts as humans. As a sexual organ, the breasts have been known to give immense pleasure to both men and women during sexual encounters. In fact, some women have reportedly disclosed that they are capable of achieving orgasm even when thoroughly stimulated through sucking and caressing of the breasts alone. Though, because of this highly sensitive nature, some women find i...

Society : Terrified When My Mind Detached From My Body - This Is Depersonalisation

Depersonalization You’re staring straight ahead. Somehow your awareness peels away from you, in slow motion. It’s like you’ve cracked in two, and one half is facing the wrong way. Are you in your physical body, which you know must still be there? Before you know it, you’re up on the ceiling somewhere, watching yourself down below. I’ve read that depersonalisation is one of the body’s stress responses. You can’t deal with a situation, so it almost ejects you, makes you feel disconnected. Which would be amazing, if it wasn’t so awful. When it first happened to me – to this extreme, at least – I was on holiday with my dad, sister and brother. Something felt off, uncomfortable. I’d been feeling anxious and out of sorts all week, so I went back to the hotel room in the middle of the day. I remember feeling I couldn’t stay still. Things weren’t right. I paced around the hotel room in the heat, wearing my bikini. Pacing was good. I was doing something, and something had to be done. Af...

Society : Gobe

What is GOBE? GOBE is when u give a beautiful girl a lift and she faints in your car.  You take her to the hospital and when you get there, the doctor says she's pregnant and congratulates you that you are going to be father very soon. You then shout that you are not the father and the girl says you are the father.... Things are now getting GOBEFUL. You require a DNA test to prove you are not the father... Things are now getting GOBESTIC when the doctor comes with the result saying you can not be a father because you are infertile.. You are relieved, but on your way home you remember you are married with three kids at home!... Now you are extremely GOBECIOUS. Now, you begin to ask yourself who is the father of those kids... You get home to find out that the gateman is their real father. You are now GOBEDED..... ‪ #‎good_morning‬ wonderful people 

Society : The Man Who Was CAGED In A Zoo

T he black clergymen who had been summoned to Harlem’s Mount Olivet Baptist Church for an emergency meeting on the morning of Monday 10 September 1906, arrived in a state of outrage. A day earlier, the New York Times had reported that a young African man – a so-called “pygmy” – had been put on display in the monkey house of the city’s largest zoo. Under the headline “Bushman Shares a Cage With Bronx Park Apes”, the paper reported that crowds of up to 500 people at a time had gathered around the cage to gawk at the diminutive Ota Benga – just under 5ft tall, weighing 103lb – while he preoccupied himself with a pet parrot, deftly shot his bow and arrow, or wove a mat and hammock from bundles of twine placed in the cage. Children giggled and hooted with delight while adults laughed, many uneasily, at the sight. The audio long read The man who was caged in a zoo In 1904, Ota Benga was ki...

Society :A country full of idle youths!

THE impact of bad leadership in Nigeria since the end of the civil war is everywhere, but the segment of the population that has been victimised the most is the youth. They are the ones spending the most active years of their lives in poverty. They are either engaged in ungainful, menial employment, or are unemployed outright. It is estimated that out of about 170 million Nigerians, the youth constitute about 64 per cent or 109 million. 60 per cent of them (about 63 million) are in the job market. This much was admitted by the Presidency after the Alumni Association of the Indian Defence Services Staff College (DSSC) recently paid a courtesy visit to President Muhammadu Buhari in Abuja. The Presidency later issued a statement vowing to frontally tackle youth unemployment after putting the 2016 Federal Appropriation Bill to bed. Youth unemployment in Nigeria does not just exist at the bottom echelon where school leavers are looking for work. It occurs at the three levels – the t...

Society :The most dangerous day in a woman’s life

By Dr. Femi Ogunyemi Many across Nigeria will be celebrating a baby’s delivery today. Labour has ended with smiles, cheers and thanksgiving. They say birthdays, funerals, weddings and naming ceremonies are the commonest social pastimes in Nigeria. Cue music…….. What with the dancing, the food, the drink, the rituals…kolanut, salt, honey, the Pastor, the Imam, the Priest… Pregnancy and labour have been vanquished. Baby is well….mother is – Stop the music ….. Today, in Africa, the most dangerous day in a woman’s life is the birth day! Almost one third of all maternal deaths globally are concentrated in two countries: India and Nigeria! Globally, an estimated 289 000 women died during pregnancy and childbirth in 2013, a decline of 45 percent from levels in 1990. Most of them died because they had no access to skilled routine and emergency care. Since 1990, some countries in Asia and Northern Africa have more than halved maternal mortality. There has also been progress in ...

Society : Mystery of the waist beads and modern sexuality

By Yetunde Arebi Bebedi! Owanbe! Bebedi! Owanbe! This is a short question and answer chorus sang by little children while at play. The objective of the song is to find out who, in the group, has the biggest and most beautiful backside. So, as each of the young girls step out to the middle of the circle, the leader of the game asks, Bebedi, and the others answer in the chorus, Owanmbe. The girl in the middle then shakes her backside, now called twerking, for the others to judge. Naturally, the one judged most endowed of the group wins the game. Such is the importance attached to the female bum, especially in the African continent. The female bum represents many things for the African society, just as much sentiment is attached to it. It houses the whole essence of a woman’s feminism and sexuality. The Bebedi, Jigida or Ileke idi, otherwise known as waist beads are one ornament that have fascinated me for many years. Why? I really have no definite answer. Perhaps it is because...

Relationships : Thinking Of Choosing A Partner From Church?

Thinking Of Choosing From The Church? These days, many people share and believe in picking their partners from the church. These partners are always a$$umed to be spirit-filled individuals who would make wonderful spouses. Without being judgmental, there’s nothing wrong in finding your partner in a religious center or place of worship. However, most people think doing this would naturally make them have a happy marriage and give them the good home they crave for. Firstly, it should be established that not every relationship that starts in the church ends well; finding a brother in the technical department or a sister in the choir doesn’t necessarily mean they wouldn’t face some of the problems faced by other people who probably found their partners outside these religious centers. As a matter of fact, they find it more difficult and challenging living life like the regular people out there without feeling guilty for one reason or the other. Individual spirituality is of varying d...

Relationships :First, Understand What Marriage Means

*Marriage* I wish we know what we are getting into when we say "I do". That being in love is not enough to make a successful marriage. That mutual sexual fulfillment is not automatic. That personality profoundly affects behaviour. The stakes of marriage are high. But the rewards of preparing are higher. Examine your relationship foundation and learn the skills necessary for building a successful marriage. Why force yourself into it. How long will you hold on?. Get it right dear. It's for life.

Society ; Lipstick Angle :5 things women NEVER tell their men

5 things women NEVER tell their men Okay, we know the most common one: most women lie about the “O” word. But there are other things besides that the modern woman lies about. Very often! THEIR first gig For most adult women, the first sexual experience is unforgettable and probably the best ever. Even if they have not kept in touch with their first man, they remember him with fondness if he did not leave them pregnant and stranded with a baby. But will they ever tell their man this? Never. Studies show the average woman lies about the age at which she was disvirgined, adding anything between 2 and 10 years to the age. For instance, if a woman got disvirgined at 14, she is likely to put the figure at 20 to her current man. Men, on the other hand, openly boast about their earlier sexual conquests. That they check out other men A man might be so close to the girl in his life that he would point out other women’s body parts that he finds attractive and everybody would have a...

Society :Why men will continue to be babies in the hands of women!

In the battle of the sexes one advantage women will always have over the men is their boobs! Simple as it is. it is very comical how seemingly intelligent men turn into whimpering teenage boys at the sight of a well-stacked women. I thought I’d heard and seen everything for and against the mammary gland until recently when I was in the midst of ‘matured’ men who amused themselves by analysing the aqnatomy of fremale gtuests at a wedding. love “What’s so special about a pair of boobs?”I asked Supo, one of these men.  He had bragged he was strictly a boobs man. Actually, most men do.I agreed with him, swearing that a woman without `more bounce to the once’, has virtually lost her femininity!  “Are you serious?” he wanted to know. “Do you know of any other aphrodisiac that’s been around since God created man that generates as much excitement as a pair of boobs? It is not as if they’ve suddenly arrived out of nowhere you know? All warm. All soft. And pleasing to touch! New ...

Society : Just A Thought Ladies

Ok, *He added u on Facebook *U check his photos *He Drives G-wagon 2015 model *He confirms. *He inboxes U *U reply,all excited . *U want 2 hook up *U set a date . *U dress up *No underwear. *smell gud *U put on a make up - fresh breath & new weave *He takes u 4 lunch @ golden gate restaurant . *He Takes u 4 Drinks At Nandos *U 2 av a gud time . *He rubs ur hand , *Makes u laugh , *Gives u luks & smiles. *U fall in luv . *It's lyk u've known him 4eva. *He takes u to his apartment . *He makes u feel comfortable & lays u on his bed *Kiss u passionately. *U luv his aggression,strength,power & you give in *It feels gud . *U know it's wrong ,but it feels gud. *U ask 4 protection,he says it's too late. *U obey & don't disturb . *He says he luvs u *& u don't hesitate to say u luv him too *after, he goes 2 d kitchen to get a glass of h20 . *He helps u drink it,ohh man. *U feel special . *He must be the 1 u ...

Police: 7th-grader calls Muslim schoolmate ‘son of ISIS,’ threatens to shoot and kill him

The Washington Post An Ohio middle-school student has been accused of threatening to shoot and kill a Muslim schoolmate, calling him a “terrorist” and a “towel head,” police said. A seventh-grader at Morton Middle School in Vandalia, near Dayton, got into an argument with another student Dec. 7 on a school bus, asking the boy if he was going to bomb him and calling the student “son of ISIS,” according to a police report. The seventh-grader faces a 10-day suspension and possible expulsion, according to the school district. Police said he also faces charges of aggravated menacing and ethnic intimidation. The seventh-grader was arrested and transported to a juvenile detention center. “First and foremost in our minds is the safety and security of our students,” Vandalia-Butler City Schools Superintendent Brad Neavin said in a statement. “It is important for our students and their parents to understand we take them at their word when they make these threats. We will treat all thr...

Society: The Last Wish

The last wish A death row inmate awaiting execution, asked as a last wish a pencil and paper. After writing for several minutes, the convict called the prison guard and asked that this letter be handed over to his biological mother. The letter said ... Mother, if there were more justice in this world, we would be both executed and not just me. You're as guilty as I am for the life I led. Remind yourself when I stole and bring home the bicycle of a boy like me? You helped me to hide the bicycle for my father did not see it. Do you remember the time I stole money from the neighbor's wallet? You went with me to the mall to spend it. Do you remember when I argued with my father and he's gone? He just wanted to correct me because I stole the final result of the competition and for that I had been expelled. Mom, I was just a child, shortly after I became a troubled teenager and now I'm a pretty malformed man. Mom, I was just a child in need of correction, and no...

Society : Ladies Cover Yourselves!

By  Malakah Angellia Gladston I keep trying to tell black women that the reason they feel compell to walk around half naked, showing their bodies and see nothing wrong with it is because it was beaten and force upon them during slavery.  You are doing EXACTLY what your slave masters FORCED you to do all those many years ago! Before we were put on those slave ships, we never expose our bodies. The slave masters use this as a tactic to shame us, to break us, to get us to submit. With shackles on our feet and whips on our backs, we had no choice. Now we walk around half naked because we are BROKEN and we have NO shame. We have forgotten that we were LADIES and NOT thots and bad bitches. We have forgotten that our bodies were meant only for our husbands and not for strange men to lust, use and abuse......Remember YOUR history and COVER YOURSELVES!

Relationships : Who Is A Virgin?

Ewherido Many young people are very idealistic about marriage; at least, that is the impression I get when I interact with them. At a youth gathering sometime ago, a young man told me this story and asked for advice. His friend and the fiancée had agreed that there will be no premarital sex, mainly on the insistence of the lady. lovers The young man grudgingly agreed and looked forward to deflowering his wife after wedding, but alas he encountered no roadblock on their first outing. He was angry and disappointed. He then asked me, what should his friend do? It was my turn to fire him questions. “Did the lady tell your friend during courtship that she was a virgin?” He answered no. So the friend only assumed. “What or who is your friend marrying, the virginity or the lady?” “The lady,” he answered. “So what is the problem? This friend who is obsessed with virginity, is he a virgin?” The answer was “no.” A lot of the time we chase shadows instead of substance. Then I remembered...

Society : Fly With The Eagles, Or Scratch With The Turkeys? Over To You

The Story of an EAGLE: The Eagle has the longest life-span of its species. It can live up to 70 years. But to reach this age, the eagle must make a very difficult decision! In its 40th year, the eagle's long and flexible Talons can no longer grab a prey which serves as food. Its long and sharp beak becomes bent. Its old-aged and heavy wings, due to their thick feathers, stick to its chest and make it difficult to fly. Then, the eagle is left with only two options: DIE or go through a painful process of CHANGE! This process lasts for 150 days (5 months) The process requires the eagle to fly to a mountain top and sit on its nest. There the eagle knocks its beak against a rock until it plucks it out. Then the eagle will wait for the new beak to grow back after which it will pluck out its talons. When its talons grow back, the eagle starts plucking its old aged feathers. And after this the eagle takes its famous flight of rebirth and LIVES for 30 more years!! Why is ...

Society : E Go Better

E go better … But it starts with you Nigeria!!! Because of so many unfortunate occurrences, we have been subjected to deep scrutiny by our fellow Nigerians. Let me back up a little: Set the stage. 1990’s thereabouts, I need a loan from the bank. I just walk in, drop my land documents as collateral, they approve the loan, I pay back and we’re done!! My documents are mine, your money is yours. Set stage 2: 2012: Step through two security doors and a metal detector, get scanned at the inner door, apply for a loan with your land documents, land documents go through several screening processes over a period 3 months, comes back to you, loan denied!!!                             So you see where I’m coming from. Due to the rising number of frauds and the fact that most of these institutions have had their fingers burned, they are being extra careful to the point of frustration. Suppose for instance you have you...

Relationships And Dating : Dear Ladies

Dear ladies, 1. You should not let a man know that you are madly in love with him. Do not let him know that you cannot do without him, or else he will take you for granted, cheat on you and do anything he likes freely. He will say, "I can do anything; Afterall she loves me very much. She will not quit me even if cheat on her. 2. Never you cry over an ordinary boyfriend who is not your husband. Boyfriend is not your legally accepted man. So why should you cry because he broke your heart? He is not worth it. 3. As a woman, give yourself respect. You must let your man know that you can survive without his money. Don't be requesting for money for cream, recharge card and cloth from him all the time. Even if you must ask him for money, let it be once in a while. He will respect and value you. Have a source of income. Even if you are a student, request for more money from your parents and not from your boyfriend. If you don't request for money, he will not request for sex...

Relationships: Technical Virgins

Chilling With Shay Most people nowadays are of this school of thought – “I think that anyway of losing your virginity in which you haven’t been forced (which is not your fault) and you have enjoyed yourself is a right way to do it.” but …. This is one of those ‘Shake up and wake up’ posts! Some of you are already wringing eyebrows at the title but the truth is a lot of ‘virgins’ in our society deceive themselves. In the name of religion or for bragging rights (which I still don’t understand), everything but actual sex has been adopted as an acceptable and normal standard for relationships. The truth is that if religion was actually your reason for abstinence (at least I know what the bible says), you should avoid actions that would make you even think lustful thoughts (I still haven’t gotten around to putting up that sexual boundaries post X_X) The ‘waiting for marriage’ phrase has been laughed at a lot lately being seen as old fashioned and archaic. Virginity is generally see...

Relationships : My Thoughts On Friend Zonning

Many depressed ladies won't be depressed if they had a loyal boyfriend. In same manner, Many depressed guys won't be depressed if they had a loyal girlfriend. . So why are they not into relationships? . The truth is; Loneliness would break us all, no matter how we pretend to be strong. No one can maintain his or her sanity as an island. . What I see is that; Ladies struggle everyday to keep a guy that they can always lean on when their moods swing in their usual manner - when depressive thoughts set in. To become that shoulder, Guys demand for sexual benefits. Ladies in turn, offer this sexual benefit as a way to oil the wheel of their relationships. . But then, Guys would always be guys. . Loneliness is not gender sensitive. I have seen a guy lament for not having any woman in his life too... And for not having family having his back. Life's hard! . The reality today is that, ladies now want as many guys as possible to be their friends. Not as ...

Relationships And Dating : Don't Do These Things Before Marriage

To The LADIES: THE THINGS YOU MUST NOT DO FOR THE MAN YOU ARE DATING: 1. Do not cohabit with a man who has not married you. Do not live with your boyfriend in the same house. Even if he is your fiance, do not live with him in the same house. You will look too cheap, people will be seeing you as a prostitute and a useless girl. A good name and reputation is better than anything in the world. 2. Do not be pregnant for your boyfriend. It is senseless. Avoid pregnancy if you are not married. Note that you can never use pregnancy to tie a man down. Your boyfriend will either deny the pregnancy or he will tell you to go and abort it. Pregnancy before marriage is not Godly and it is a shame to you and your family. 3. Avoid abortion. Abstain from sex. If there is no sex, there will be no abortion. Condom is not a guarantee at all. Sex is not food. You can live without it. 4. Do not abandon your parents and family because of one boyfriend. Sometimes love makes some people to be stupi...

Society : Who Released, Killed And Ate Our Lion??!!

Read along beautiful people, it's long, but trust me, this piece is worth your time! “Did they send you your own share of the bush meat?” “Bush meat?” “The lion in the zoo that became bush meat in Jos” “What’s my own inside? I don’t know any zoo worker in Jos and how could a lion that was allowed out of its cage and got shot end up in my stomach. The kind of things you say sometimes.” “That means you have not been following the story.” “It is an animal tale” “Created, concocted and delivered by animals in human skin, working in animal kingdom, telling us animal tales. What surprises me is the fact that there has been no public uproar, no outrage.” “People are too busy thinking of how to survive as human beings, how to fight the current nationwide epidemic of empty pockets and stomachs, and survive the change in their lives.” “But when a similar incident occurred at the Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe, there was serious outrage all over the world. Dr. Palmer, the Amer...