Society : Ladies Cover Yourselves!

By  Malakah Angellia Gladston

I keep trying to tell black women that the reason they feel compell to walk around half naked, showing their bodies and see nothing wrong with it is because it was beaten and force upon them during slavery.

 You are doing EXACTLY what your slave masters FORCED you to do all those many years ago! Before we were put on those slave ships, we never expose our bodies. The slave masters use this as a tactic to shame us, to break us, to get us to submit. With shackles on our feet and whips on our backs, we had no choice. Now we walk around half naked because we are BROKEN and we have NO shame. We have forgotten that we were LADIES and NOT thots and bad bitches. We have forgotten that our bodies were meant only for our husbands and not for strange men to lust, use and abuse......Remember YOUR history and COVER YOURSELVES!


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