Relationships And Dating : Dear Ladies

Dear ladies,
1. You should not let a man know that you are madly in love with him. Do not let him know that you cannot do without him, or else he will take you for granted, cheat on you and do anything he likes freely. He will say, "I can do anything; Afterall she loves me very much. She will not quit me even if cheat on her.

2. Never you cry over an ordinary boyfriend who is not your husband. Boyfriend is not your legally accepted man. So why should you cry because he broke your heart? He is not worth it.
3. As a woman, give yourself respect. You must let your man know that you can survive without his money. Don't be requesting for money for cream, recharge card and cloth from him all the time. Even if you must ask him for money, let it be once in a while. He will respect and value you. Have a source of income. Even if you are a student, request for more money from your parents and not from your boyfriend. If you don't request for money, he will not request for sex.

Siziphiwe Phiwe's Reply :

I disagree, loving someone has no limit...there's no such thing as loving him a little or loving him so much. Loving is loving, besides men cheat and take good women for granted whether they "they dont love their men too much". Cheating and taking your partner for granted has nothing to do with a woman but has to do with a low life, disrespectful men. Secondly, its normal to cry when you're we musnt cry because men hurt us? No! we'll cry, heal and move on. must be providers, and stop the excuses that "women are gold diggers", yes Im working...I have my own income but how am I gonna trust you that you'll take care of our family when you cant even show me now that you are capable?? Our grandmothers used to stay home and look after the family, kids while the granddads worked to take care of the whole family, that was provision at its best. This 50/50 nonsense have our African women behaving like equals of men, God never created a woman to be equal to a man. Authority was placed with a should remain so!


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