Relationships : My Thoughts On Friend Zonning

Many depressed ladies won't be depressed if they had a loyal boyfriend.
In same manner,
Many depressed guys won't be depressed if they had a loyal girlfriend.
So why are they not into relationships?
The truth is;
Loneliness would break us all, no matter how we pretend to be strong.
No one can maintain his or her sanity as an island.
What I see is that;
Ladies struggle everyday to keep a guy that they can always lean on when their moods swing in their usual manner - when depressive thoughts set in.
To become that shoulder,
Guys demand for sexual benefits.
Ladies in turn, offer this sexual benefit as a way to oil the wheel of their relationships.
But then,
Guys would always be guys.
Loneliness is not gender sensitive.
I have seen a guy lament for not having any woman in his life too...
And for not having family having his back.
Life's hard!
The reality today is that, ladies now want as many guys as possible to be their friends.
Not as lovers though...
Not for sexual reasons too...
Just friends!
We must admit that this is a selfish move by them ladies..
But again, the battle for survival is inherently, a selfish battle.
This move has given birth to the dreaded prison called FRIENDZONE.
What ladies should understand is that, You cannot be a friend to someone that does not see anything you can do for him.
Lai Lai...
Some ladies, when they friendzone a guy, end up being a parasite to the guy.
She would wanna receive... receive.. receive and would hardly give in return.
Ladies should know that the easiest way to friendzone a guy you like is by giving him gifts.
Show him material appreciation, so that when he doesn't get the sexual benefit (which guys often yearn for), he can relax with the fact that he is still gaining from you nonetheless.
To friendzone a guy and later ask him for money is an insult to that noble zone (espeicially if you ve never given him a single gift or money).
It is honorable for a woman to bring a gift to a guy she likes while asking him to be just a friend with her, while emphasizing on No-Sexual-Strings-Attached.
This guy would respect her.
I would!
Most of the ladies I do friend zone with are ladies who surprised me with birthdays and festive seasonal gifts... Even though I'm not a birthday person.
You will be so broke and the next thing you 'll see is a credit alert on your phone screen,
And you 'll wonder how these female friend of yours knew how badly you needed that money meehhnn...
This kind babe,
Do you think it would be wise to destroy our friendship with romance?
I won't be caught being that Stuplish!lol
To be a true friend with someone,
Always be mindful about avoiding making the person to feel used.
At all times,
Make the person to understand and see what he or she is gaining from your friendship.
Dear ladies,
Friendship is GIVE and TAKE.
If you friendzone me, I expect gifts on my birthday, on Easter and Christmas...
I expect surprise airtime (without me asking)
I expect occasional random cheap gifts.
Yes, make them very cheap.
The aim is not to impress... But to show you care. Dazol!
And while you give me all those,
You should also expect same things from me too.
I'm good with gifts. (U 'll never know)
If you always TAKE from your friend, and never GIVE...
You re not a Friend...
You re a parasite...
Most babes who specialize in friendZoning guys are Parasites.
Repent O Ye Parasites...
And it shall be well with you.
Guys don't hate being friendzoned.
We actually hate being used...
Being Mugu-ed
And being Maga-ed.
If you cannot afford material things to help oil your friendzoned guys,
And you happen not to have anything to oil it,
Then pray to be lucky to friendzone male gays.
Those people won't mind.


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