Shocker !!! ALL SINS ARE NOT THE SAME ALL SINS ARE NOT EQUAL. . . Good Day, Greats, . So many people in Christendom have always claimed that all sins are the same. In other words, every sin would attract same punishment from God almighty. I HAVE FOUND THIS TO BE FAULTY. . Firstly, if I steal meat from my mama's pot, I stole, right? Would that sin of stealing be of the same weight with that of someone who killed someone? By common sense, it doesn't follow, right? . Ok, I know what we say; The ways of God is different from ours'. I see someone saying that already. I have another proof. . The strongest verse of the bible that makes christians to believe that All Sins Are Same is the book of James 2:10 "For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become accountable for all of it." . Unknown to many Christians, This verse was referring to how it were before the coming of Jesus Christ. Before the gospel of God's grace aCcordin...