BY PRINCESS JESSY

I was very popular in my primary and secondary school.
Popularity comes with being hated without reasons.
Secondary school was fun because I was very popular. I was close to the meanest teachers. The principal of my school knew me, even the school administrator. Teachers? All of them knew me. Students, well, a large percentage knew me.
I was this tiny girl that was loved and also hated too. I received special treatments from teachers, which made others jealous.
At one time, it was rumored I was dating one of my teachers. My mom found out and we had a good laugh. This teacher is a family friend and my home tutor which no one in school knew about.
Through out my secondary school days, I was flogged twice in my 6years in the school. That twice was as a result of general flogging for noise making.
I went to a private/government secondary school.
Yes, I was popular. Yes, I wrote every week on the school board, I drew animations(cartoons). I was popular for being that girl every teacher liked/hated . I was popular because I was always awarded at the end of the term. I was popular for so many reasons but I was hated.
The reason, I don't know.
In SS1 I got into trouble. A bad trouble. At that age, I just knew the school system was fucked up and Nigerian parenting was bad.
Because I was liked by the school administrator, he didn't want to flog me, but he embarrassed me in front of the whole school. His way of showing his love was not flogging me but embarrassing me so I'd lose my popularity and learn my lessons, he said.
So he gave me punishment, hard labor.
I am fragile. I have tiny bones, and I've never done hard labor in my life. How am I supposed to carry stones?
Just when I was about carrying stones, a group of 8 heavily built guys helped me, and told me to go sit down.
Within 30mins they'd carried all the heavy stones.
School administrator couldn't believe his eyes. It got better when a teacher defended me by telling the SA what he did was bad, some teachers that liked me also backed me up and others (female teachers especially) didn't.
There were students that also helped me during the hard labor. They left classes while others just stood afar to watch and laugh.
In school, I learnt that, people would hate you for no reason.
Most of these people that hate you have never had a direct contact with you before, but why the hate?
In the ghetto where I live in Lagos. My parent that are quite over protective of me don't allow me mingle with friends(boys especially).
So let's say, in my 18years, I had just 6 friends in that street.
Those 6 out of thousands of people that lived there, I never spoke with 994. But there are people that still hate me.
See in this life we live, no matter how you are, no matter what you are. Someone somewhere hates you for no reason. Someone hates to think you are alive.
Maybe you did something somewhere and that's how the hatred starts. Some just hates you the very first time they see you, maybe because of how you walk, talk or the color of cloth you wore that day.
The worst kind of hatred are those people who you don't know exists but because somebody somewhere hates you or spoke ill of you, without coming to find out for themselves also join the train of the haters.
The only person I used to hate and I never hid it was Tiwa Savage. The hatred didn't just happen, she did and said something against single mothers and that's how the love I had for her diminished.
But on second thought, Tiwa doesn't know me, she will never meet me, she doesn't give a fuck if I exist or not. Then why the fuck are you hating on her?
That's how my hatred for Tiwa died down.
I may not entirely say I love her but I'm starting to like her.
On Facebook, it would interest you to know that I don't hate anyone. I will only hate you if you hurt me, even at that, give me a few weeks and I'm fine with you.
I don't hate people that I don't know. Or hate people that don't know me. Or hate people because someone hates them and because I'm so stupid and got no mind of my own, I join the train to be hate.
No time!
Even if I post about Jesus from now till eternity, there are people that will still hate me and my guts, they will never be impressed.
Even if I post how to succeed, how to live your life, how to be this and that, believe me, someone somewhere will still hate me and wish me dead.
Even if I form a good wife material, there are people that will still hate me.
Now tell me why I need to pretend and care about being loved?
On my birthday, May 15. While everyone was sending their birthday wishes. I got an inbox from a Facebook monitoring spirit. He said he doesn't like me, said he doesn't give a fuck about me, he went on to say he's not a fan. Then he listed 10 things he feels he knows about me.
1. I'm an attention seeker, 2. I'm intelligent, 3. I'm smart, 4.I'm friendly, 5. I'm calm.
But he still hates me.
He acknowledges I'm friendly, and calm. He accepts I'm intelligent but still sees me as an attention seeker, even with all that, he still hates me. At the end he didn't drop a birthday wish. But wanted me to know he just doesn't like me and ends it with he's tired of seeing my face on his news feed.
Why? I may never know because I never gave him a reply.
He's on my list. But hates me. And because he hates me, a right thinking individual that hates anyone wouldn't want to see the person, right? But this guy didn't want to leave.
So what I did. I smiled, and ignored him.
I unfriended him yesterday. I didn't forget to torture him by uploading different photos of my face. smile emoticon
If you must hate me, at least, for the sake of humanity, have a reason why.
If you must hate me, let it be that, I caused you harm or I broke your heart. Let it be that, you had a direct contact with me.
Have a reason for why you hate me or anyone.
Have a reason for why you talk about a person negatively to others that know and don't know you.
I'm not saying I want to be loved. I'm saying if you must hate me, have a reason.
I've made comments on threads and I received praises from people that heard about me and happened to find out what they heard or where told was true. They didn't send requests but we laughed and moved on.
I've commented on threads and someone just goes off and starts insulting me.
I have a sharp brain. If I see or read something before, I won't forget where I saw it (my friends know this).
So when the insults start coming, first thing I do is search my brain if I have ever had an encounter with that name. If yes, well, I understand how annoying I can be when I'm arguing or countering someone or an opinion. If no, I over look it.
Because there are many people on Facebook that love to hate.
There are people that hate even when you don't know them.
That my friend is the worst kind of hatred.
And that my friend could lead you to your early grave.
Hating and attacking someone who doesn't give a fuck?
I love yam because it's sweet.
I hate veggies because it's tasteless.
That's reasons for loving and hating.
I don't hate veggies because my bestie hates them.
I would have said I hate Kim K, but why? She doesn't know me, she doesn't give a fuck. My hatred is a fucking waste.
You bottle so much hatred for someone that doesn't even know you. How sad!


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