SOCIETY: Alter Ego

By Princess Jessy
First day I met Geltrude was when my 3years old relationship packed up. I didn't know whether to cry or just act like a boss lady.
I tried to write a heartbreak letter, but Geltrude told me not to.
A month later, I found out my best friend THEN was dating my EX.
Geltrude gave me permission to cry. She said don't cry because you are hurt, cry because it's BETRAYAL.
Others would never understand why I cried. They actually see it as normal to date their friend's ex. Well, we are different people.
I lost contact with Geltrude for a year. That's because nothing exciting happened to me.
I have a lot of ME time. Times I choose not to talk but just listen to what my mind, heart and brain says. There are days I just want to be with Geltrude and no one else.
You see, Geltrude understands me. She understands me more than I understand myself.
She knows when I'm angry. She actually taught me, rather than shout, break glasses and throw tantrums. Just say ok, aite or no p.
Anger ain't good, she constantly reminds me.
Then she will say, after you say ok, aite or no p, whichever suits the situation, get a good ear piece and listen to a loud non-romantic song.
This I always did, which has been of great help to me.
Geltrude actually taught me how to talk the way I talk. I used to be very timid. I was scared of looking directly into a person's eyes. It wasn't my fault. Dad said it was disrespectful looking directly into someone's eyes especially an elderly person.
This affected me and it made me scared looking into a lover's eyes.
It caused problems on many occasions because lover thought I was cheating.
Geltrude taught me the act. I'm an expert at it.
There are many times when I break down, but I act ok.
Geltrude tells me it's okay to go to an open place, with a white flowing gown, and cry my eyes out.
Geltrude tells me it's human to cry and robotic not to cry.
I believe her because she's never wrong.
There are times I just break down while everyone thinks I'm perfect, I really am not.
Geltrude tells me to give them space.
""" When you stop telling friends more about you... Then your enemies will know less about yourself"""" - Michael Kizzy Scofield
The best thing about Geltrude is that, I feel so safe with her. She knows my secrets, fears, aspirations.
When I tell others a little bit about myself, they give me more reasons to be wary of others.
Geltrude is just different.
My secrets are safe with her.
I love my quiet time. No one understands this and sometimes I get to called a snob, weirdo. Geltrude never thinks that. She knows there are times I just need time alone. She sits in the room with me, staring and smiling at me.
Who knows my happiest moments? Geltrude
My saddest moments? Geltrude
The guy I love, like really love? Geltrude
Who knows what I want? Geltrude.
Who knows the lady I really love? Geltrude
I know there are serious ass lickers. She tells me the hard truth even if I choose not to accept.
When I bask in my falsehood, she's there to spot them out.
I cry my eyes out when I'm called names, she's there to say, "c'mon babe, you know better"
When I'm misunderstood, she says "you owe them nothing/ no explanations"
I'm alive because I have a friend in her.
I'm happy I met her.
I'm happy she's the sister I never had.
I'm taking the time to appreciate this amazing person.
My Alter Ego - I call her Geltrude.
She's in me.

                                      princess Jessy


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