Society : Lecture On Respect!

Nsikak's Lecture 101.
This will be an interesting read and an annoying one too.
Feel free to get angry. It's allowed in the Nigeria Constitution.

I grew up with Genevieve Nnaji. We weren't close and we are still not close. It just happened that Genevieve grew up to be a celeb and I didnt.
So one day, Genevieve comes around, and coincidentally I found myself where she is.
I'm with my friends, and because I want to show them that I know Genevieve, not just knowing her. I want to prove we grew up together.
I ‪#‎heyyy‬ her in their presence. Normally, Genevieve wouldn't have ‪#‎hey‬'d back, but because she knows me as the person that she grew up with, she will ‪#‎heyy‬ me back but the hey won't be genuine but just to fulfill all righteousness.
My friends see this and are happy and they ‪#‎think‬ I really know and grew up with Genevieve.
What I just did is what is called
Another example:
I hear a group of girls gushing over Dangote. I don't know Dangote like that, but somehow, he is on my BBM contact list. How he got there? Well, I was opportune to be the PA to Dangote's friend he just gave a contract to.
I'm the one that sends Dangote business messages or appointments sent to me by my boss. Dangote and I have no dealings at all. Just business.
Now because I heard a group of girls gushing over him and I need to show off. I show them a screenshot of Dangote's official BBM contact on my list. They believe me and think I might even be dating Dangote.
What I did is FAMZING.
I like Laura Ikeji's fashion sense. I think she dresses so good. I wish to have money so I can dress up like her. I know if I have the money I can do same or even better.
I tell Laura I love her and her dress sense. She likes it, and thanks me.
Laura has many followers just like me that likes her and her fashion statement.
I want to show Laura that I love her more than others.
So this is what I do,
I download photos of Laura to post on my wall, knowing she would see this.
With photo captions like "my role model, she's the best, I love her, she's the air I breathe"
"See her shoes, shoes to die for, I'd kill to have it".
At first, Laura would see it and click on like emoticon .
When I see that she's like emoticon it, I'm happy. Because I'm starting to get her attention, right?
So I keep doing it. I praise her and keep praising her.
Then I tell others that, if they don't dress like Laura, they haven't started yet.
There are sometimes Laura might not dress up that good. But because I love Laura and always want to look good in her eyes, when others say, "oh Laura, I no too feel this your dressing TODAY"
I attack them and tell them they are just haters.
Sometimes, Laura knows she flops in her dressing, but because I've been worshipping her, I won't tell her.
Then I download more of Laura's photos and then tell people that love fashion that they need to look up to Laura or they won't be fashion celebs like Laura.
There are other fashion celebs but because I love Laura I won't care.
What I did here is called ASS-LICKING.
Another example, I like the way Rihanna replies her fans with punchlines. I like how she gives them replies that could make them cry.
Any reply she gives, I like emoticon it and then go ahead to tell her "wow" "spot on" "she deserves it" "beesh" to support her. Most times, I'd join force to insult whoever insults my Rihanna.
I love Rihanna, I make posts always about her, because I want her to know I love her and her punchlines replies.
I kinda think she doesn't need to reply her fans always, it's good she ignores, but I like her so I can't tell her. Even when Rihanna leaves her lane to diss another celeb, I support her and shower praises.
It's called ASS-LICKING.
I want to dance like Ciara, I think she's good.
I love how Beyonce is, she has her unique style.
I want to be an entertainer like (((())))
I want to be a radio presenter like Toolz.
I think I like how Tonto is.
Oh! How can I forget John Grisham, wow! I love how he writes.
Have you seen lying game? I love it. I think the writer did a fine job.
This is called PAYING RESPECT.
There's a difference between #famzing , ‪#‎assLicking‬ and ‪#‎payingRespect‬.
Pls take note.
Every day on my news feed, I watch people shamelessly famz and asslick.
It's not my business, but it becomes my business when you do it TOO MUCH.
Every writer has their unique style of writing.
I know many writers that are so good in writing horror stories.
There are some of them that are good in fairy tales love stories. Would have loved to mention names but I won't, I don't want to ‪#‎famz‬ grin emoticon
You can't judge them because they don't write like a particular person.
There are friends on my Facebook list that write about Religion all day, every day. There are some that write about politics. They know nothing except politics, they are up to date with politics. There are some that write about science, jokes.
I won't say they are not intelligent because I idolize someone that just happens to be good in all areas or in an area I like and believe all writers must be good in that area too.
Am I making sense?
There are so many beautiful girls on my list. I look at their pictures and I trip.
I will not wake up one day to upload their photos and say, if you are not as beautiful as these girls you are ugly or you haven't started.
I won't say, look up to these girls if you want to be beautiful.
My definition of ‪#‎beautiful‬ is different from the next persons.
When you ass lick by making other people feel not good enough, it's just stupid.
When I share an opinion that you don't agree with, argue with me, tell me, "oh! I don't see it this way" don't please/whine me.
Don't say "Nice one, I agree with you" then in my inbox or another day or even on another post, you say you don't like that opinion of Nsikak's.
It's wrong.
You are not a robot. Argue with me.
I am tagged a troublemaker because I counter people's posts and opinion. It's not my fault, when I read what I don't agree with, we argue it.
3 things are involved
i. Either we agree at the end and become friends
ii. We don't agree and still become friends
iii. We don't agree and we become enemies
 But resorting to insults and names calling at the end of the day Is just nasty.
If you like the way someone writes, pay respect to them.
It's not every DAY on every SINGLE POST and on every LINE you make mention of their NAMES.
The truth is, these people get tired but won't tell you.
Stop being an asslicker.
If I suck, tell me I suck even if you like me.
If I do something bad, when others bash me for my bad doings, say it's wrong. Don't ass lick.
Pay respect to people.


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