Society: Open Angle

WARNING: 18 and above please. I won't be held responsible for child abuse.
Dear Men,
I will be generalizing what you are about to read.
I don't have the time to start using "some" "most" .
If you feel you are not guilty, then defend yourself. Thank you. smile emoticon
Dear Women,
I won't advise any female to prove she's good in bed to a man she's not yet married to.
When I say good in bed, I mean, not by changing sex styles/positions but by going wild like giving very good blowjobs. blowjobs? not just the normal blowjobs you know, but very special blow jobs.
I would have explained how this special blow jobs works but that will be going against this piece of mine. smile emoticon
Sex styles ain't the only skill that makes a female good in bed, there are other skills/factors.
Factors like how she responds. How flexible she is.
Body parts touched, how she touches the parts and handles them.
Shyness removed.
Ogbanje nature activated pacman emoticon pacman emoticon . Dirty talks .
Loud noises and a host of many others.
I've found out that guys always say they love a lady that's good and wild in bed. They go on to say they hate ladies that lies down without doing anything.
But truth is, in their hearts they tag these wild girls as whores/dogs/ and to the average Nigerian man "unwife material" not a good wife material.
Well, I wouldn't blame those ladies that lie down like firewood. I'd have to admit, yes, some may actually know nothing that's why they lie down, and the others might just be pretending to be a firewood so as not to be called irresponsible or wild.
Guys would always refer to any lady that shows she's good in bed as a WHORE.
There are some set of myopic and fucked up guys that tag females whores if she's good in bed by changing sex styles, giving special blowjobs, talking dirty, taking up a role like being a nurse or a nanny or a hostess in a plane wink emoticon ‪#‎winks‬ that kind thing. You dig abi?
For this reason why guys refer to ladies as whores is the same reason why ladies pretend both in real life and on social media.
If you check, there are a few girls like me (opinionated) that are below 25. The other opinionated ladies/women are above 30. Reason why?
They have nothing to lose, it's either they are married, or they are single moms.
Young single ladies always hide. We pretend a lot so as not to be called a whore or a dog.
Reason why, when sex is talked about, ladies flee BUT they hang around to read comments (just like they will do now ), while guys dominate the post/page/thread.
Ladies pretend not to know anything about sex, actually, some really don't.
Ladies pretend that their first time was forced, well, some are truthful.
Ladies pretend their body counts is below 3. Now that I think of it, it might be true. Even if it isn't, e no concern me and you squint emoticon
Ladies pretend in bed.
They tell you they like the man up. But what they really want is being up and taking charge.
They want more, they wish they can scream ‪#‎harder‬ #harder but fear no go gree them, and shame too.
Will you blame them?
Of course not.
While I may be wrong generalizing, I apologize tongue emoticon
97% of the male population at one point in their life always refer to a lady as a dog because of her activities in the bedroom, because of how she acts when they are in the bedroom.
If a girl tries to show she's good by changing styles, doing some special things, and doing some very special and daring things, when things fall apart she's called a whore.
Men believe because a lady is that good means she must have had a lot of bed mates.
They forget some ladies naturally have a sex appeal. They forget some ladies are blessed to be good grin emoticon they forget some of these things are been watched and practiced.
So next time a lady says she's a virgin even if/when she isn't. Don't blame her.
There's a reason for it.
A lady is only allowed to be wild when she's married. (This depends on those ladies that intend getting married or know
But for other open minded ladies like myself, you are free to express yourself and break waists.
in their heart I'm correct )
It's your duty smile emoticon
I give you the go-ahead.


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