Society: Our Women Need Respect!!

Our women need respect
I hated my dad so much when I was very young.
I was a very slow eater, errrrm I am still a slow eater.
I didn't like eating. I loved rice. Could spend an hour to eat a small plate of rice.
I hated eating with my dad. My dad hated me so much, he would leave a large part of EBA for me to eat.
Arrrrrggggghhhhh! I hated it so much.
This was injustice I would cry out.
It's unfair.
Then I always wondered if he really was my dad.
Like seriously, who forces food on there child?
I love to do my homework as soon as I got back from school, bath, sleep and then stay outside to watch other kids play.
Dad didn't like that routine, so what he did?
As soon as I got back from school, he made me take my bath, next is food. How I hated food and EBA was sure lunch.
We ate together, but because he was bent on punishing me, he left a large part that I had to finish or I won't be allowed
to do my homework, sleep and go outside.
Then when I ate, I would have a shapeless tummy.
Oh! I hated it!
I have a very big tummy, actually I still do. Who caused it?
I ate eba as lunch and I ended up having a tummy that was bigger than my head.
I knew how I felt eating till I got filled up, it's like my tummy was stretching, and most times, I feared it might burst open.
"That's what he wants na" I said to myself. "He will be happy when I'm dead"
I knew the discomfort I felt always having a big stomach, the discomfort disturbed so bad I couldn't sit, at the end, I would have a long sleep till the next day.
Homework not done.
The only time I was allowed to stay outside elapsed too, and I would have to wait till the next day.
More reasons why I hated dad and EBA.
As I grew older, dad rituals continued, forcing me to eat
EBA. Wasn't funny.
Then I knew what pregnancy meant.
Mom kept reminding me not to get pregnant.
Don't bring shame to this family. Remember the daughter of who you
are. She repeated daily.
what's pregnancy, mom?
"When you do bad thing" she answered.
What's a bad thing? Inquisitive me asked.
Ermmm, you will always know when you do bad, ok?
I saw pregnant women, and I knew they did bad things to get pregnant
There were many children in our public compound.
It was crowded. There were 40 or more children. So I kinda saw many naked pregnant women, and I also saw how their
tummy looked.
Looked like mine whenever I ate eba.
And immediately I would feel uncomfortable.
So this women walk around with such discomfort.
Good Gracious!!!!
I don't like seeing pregnant women's bare tummy.
I feel uncomfortable, next is pity because I believe they are
uncomfortable too.
I'm not here to talk about pregnant women but women in general.
I got to find out, well, after doing some reading online that as soon as a woman gets pregnant, there are many changes
to her body.
Morning sickness, temper, food urges, high or low sex urges, physical changes etc.
I read about some funny food urges some pregnant women have. I know of a pregnant woman that begged a total
stranger for groundnuts in the market. My family friend used to sleep in the toilet tiles floor, when her husband carries her, she cries and goes back to the toilet.
I read of a woman that eats soured soup of 3 days.
After cooking and dishing her husband's food, she stirs the other part, and would leave it for days to get soured before
In a nutshell, women go through a lot during pregnancy.
And during childbirth/labor, things happen.
The lucky ones give birth without no complications.
The not so lucky ones have a vagina tear which takes weeks/ sometimes months to heal and the others through CS.
After childbirth, there's another stage. Some women notice some changes in their body, I can't go into details.
But in all, some women would have stretch marks, and their vagina MIGHT NOT be tight as before.
There are lucky women with good genes that still look slim and still retain their shape back to normal. Some are lucky
to have very good young genes and some are not so lucky as their tummy do not go back to normal.
Forget Kim Kardashian. She did surgery. Bey did surgery and a host of celebrities.
If they didn't do surgery, these women have a personal trainer and nannies. Nannies take care of their children
which can't happen in Nigeria.
If a new mom tries that, well, you know what would or could happen.
These celebs have gym equipment.
They have the whole day, week, month to do these exercises to go back to shape.
some go for surgery.
I've read men saying the reason they cheat is because their wives ain't the way they married her.
How can she be when after birth, she stresses herself?
You don't know what women go through.
You are free to lust after Kim. But you don't know shit of what she does to have that shape back.
Get your wife a nanny, gym equipment and enough time in her hands and you would see a fine sexy mama.
Look at our mothers, how many of them have flat tummies?
Don't lie!!!!
Except your mother is slim, you have no right to request for a slim figure after childbirth, and even If she's slim, you
don't have the right.
We women are different.
Respect women.
Pregnancy changes women.
When you squeeze your boxers, does it still go back to shape/normal?
So when next you want a flat tummy after childbirth,
Think of the waist band of your boxers.

                            Princess Jessy


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