The Bullies!!

Bankole was my classmate in Primary 6. He was the smallest in class, next to me .. He was fragile, had a tiny voice like a female bird, looked unkempt and was always teased in class. Bankole was always failing in his sums, English, and History. He failed to do his homework, and was always failing his classwork, this got the teachers angry. They also teased him... I remember he was stripped naked in front of the assembly hall one day, as a way of correcting him I guess.. You see, Bankole loved school, school to him was his home, an escape route, but he wasn't doing well, students didn't help out, they laughed at him... He was BULLIED in school by fellow students. He was called dirty, yes he was and he had a bad odor, his uniform was torn and he would "patch patch" it.. I asked to sit with him, and I understood the problem was from home. His father was an alcoholic, and he was always beating his mum.. It affected him badly.. I tried to help him in ...