The Bullies!!

Bankole was my classmate in Primary 6. He was the
smallest in class, next to me .. He was fragile, had a
tiny voice like a female bird, looked unkempt and was
always teased in class.
Bankole was always failing in his sums, English, and
History. He failed to do his homework, and was always
failing his classwork, this got the teachers angry. They also
teased him...
I remember he was stripped naked in front of the assembly
hall one day, as a way of correcting him I guess..
You see, Bankole loved school, school to him was his
home, an escape route, but he wasn't doing well,
didn't help out, they laughed at him...
He was BULLIED in school by fellow students.
He was
called dirty, yes he was and he had a bad odor, his uniform
was torn and he would "patch patch" it..
I asked to sit with him, and I understood the problem was
from home. His father was an alcoholic, and he was always
beating his mum.. It affected him badly..
I tried to help him in the little way I could...this ain't a
Nigerian/American movie where he turned out to be best
student.. but he improved...
But Bankole was damaged.
Chidera was my classmate in Junior Secondary School, I
can forget names from secondary school but just can't forget
If we were to ask what school felt like then, to Chidera it
was hell..
In the history of that school, till I graduated, Chidera was
the most BULLIED student.
I won't call her an imbecile because she's not, but she
didn't look normal. I was confused if she was a sickler, she
was as slim as I was but she was different.
She had an ugly handwriting, you see, Chidera was eager
to learn but I don't know why, she just couldn't understand
a thing.
She had 2 younger sisters that just got to our school, we
were surprised they came from a very rich home.
Her sisters were so clean, fresh and intelligent but Chidera
was the direct opposite.
Chidera cried everyday as a result of being bullied and
laughed at.. Oh! It was bad.. Nobody talked to her.. If you
made an attempt to, she would flare up because she
believed anyone that tried to talk to her wanted mocking
Chidera walked with fear, she was scared to answer
questions in class, she was scared to go out during break
time, she would wait for everyone to leave the class before
she goes home...
№ one cared..
Once upon a time, I used to be bullied on Facebook. Oh! I
let it get to me, it affected me.. But I fought back...
Bullying comes in different forms but the worst kind of
bullying is the one you face in school and cyber bully.
I scaled through without being bullied in school, I got
bullied on the internet but I fought back...
I've come to understand that there are frustrated, bitter,
angry, depressed people who come on Facebook looking
for a prey to devour.
These people are angered about Life and then they bring it to
Facebook, if you are unlucky and you fall in their trap,
I got bullied for speaking up... I was called names.. This
frustrated people will get more frustrated by taking it to my
It pained me..
But I had enough and I fought back..
I know of a friend that got cyber bullied to the point she
was considering taking her life.
Some of you reading this have been a bully without
Its like the devil is controlling these people  with remote
Lemme give you instances..
On a normal day, the normal me, when I write on what I
feel like, one devil's incarnate from God knows where
comes with "rubbish", "senseless", "meaningless",
"bullshit", " attention-seeker" and the lot..
What you just did is bullying.. That you don't agree with
one's opinion doesn't mean you rubbish them...
Calling people names because they don't think like you is
All the over sabi Christians on my list, I see the way they
attack Atheists and scream hell, sinner.. May God forgive
Only frustrated people do that..
You don't know the psychological effect bullying has on an
Look at Sia, she's scared of being in the public eye
because she was bullied.
I've learned to bully whoever tries to bully me....
An eye for an eye ...
Bullying can only stop from you...


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