Brother of ex NSE boss charged for rape

November 6, 2014 was like every other day for 300 level
student of Computer Science (names withheld) at the
University of Lagos, Akoka Yaba. As the ailing student who
managed to attend lectures stepped into her apartment
located at Moremi hall, never in her wildest imagination did
she envisage she would end up being a victim of rape.
However, the signal of an imminent emotional and
psychological trauma reared up after one Daniel Okereke, a
man that had reportedly being wooing her since last month,
came visiting. Without any inkling of an apparent sinister
motive, the undergraduate was said to have reluctantly left
to attend to her visitor,who upon seeing her condition,
opted to take her to a pharmaceutical store around Akoka
to get some drugs.
Not yet done with
his show of
concern, the
visitor reportedly
took the female
student to an
eatery, so that
she could eat
before taking the
drugs. Thereafter,
he reportedly
took her to his
abode at Mende,
Mariland where he
allegedly ended
up raping her.
Narrating her
ordeal to the
police, the
student who had
marks of strings
on her back,
hands and legs ,
narrated how she narrowly escaped being murdered by
Okereke, in her bid to free herself from his grips.
According to her: “ When he came visiting, I never knew he
had something sinister in his mind until we got to his place.
At the eatery, he ordered that the food be made take-away
and asked me to go eat it in his place and at the same time
rest before taking me back to the hostel.
Immediately we entered the room, he secured the door and I
had supper and later asked to be taken back . But he said
he must have sex with me. I tried to appeal to him to
consider my state of health and take me back to campus.
Before I knew what was happening, he started beating me,
forcing to have his way. As if that was not enough, he called
in seven guards in the compound who assisted him and tied
me down. He thereafter, went into his kitchen and brought
out a knife, threatening to kill me if I resisted. He took me to
one of the rooms where he brought out a condom and
raped me.
Crime Guard gathered that when the 23 year-old lady was
untied, she went violent and started shattering every
property she could lay her hands on. In the process, one of
the objects she allegedly threw out of the window, landed
on a vehicle belonging to one of the tenants, smashing its
windscreen. That attracted neighbours.
The case was reported at Area ‘F’ Ikeja , following which
Okereke was arrested . During interrogation, he reportedly
claimed to be nephew of a former Director -General of the
Nigerian Stock Exchange NSE and cousin to a front-line
Nollywood actress who ironically has a foundation which
promotes the well being of women.
He was said to have been released on bail, an action the
victim frowned out. The case was thereafter transferred to
the State Criminal Investigation Department, SCID Panti,
where the 36-year-old Okereke was rearrested.
He reportedly claimed that the victim destroyed his
property , an action that was engendered by the violence
meted to her. Okereke was charged to court Thursday.
Equally charged was Idris Abubakar, the security guard who
allegedly assisted Okereke to tie up the victim. He is an
alleged accomplice.
Our ONOZURE DANIA who was in the court put her report
this way: Lagos- Two men Daniel Okereke 32 and Idris
Abubakar 37 were yesterday arraigned before a Yaba Chief
Magistrate’s Court, over alleged assault and rape and threat
to life.
The defendants who are businessman and a security Guard
respectively were docked before Magistrate Y. O Aje-
They are facing a five count charge bordering on conspiracy,
assault, rape and threat to life preferred against them by the
police. The police prosecutor Superintendent Godwin
Anyanwu, told the court that the defendants committed the
alleged offence on November 6, 2014.
He said that the incident took place at Mende, Maryland in
ikeja area of Lagos state between 2:30-11pm.
He said that the first defendant allegedly raped and
assaulted one lady (names withheld).
Anyanwu also claimed that the defendant unlawfully had
canal knowledge of the victim without her consent, adding
that he beat her up with a brown belt and also threatened
her with a knife.
According to the prosecutor, the offences
committed,contravened sections 409, 171, 261 and
punishable under section 56 and 258 of the Criminal Law of
Lagos State, 2011.
Earlier, the defendants pleaded not guilty to the charges
against them. The defendants counsel, R. Amokea, urged
the court to grant the defendants bail in the most liberal
term, as the offence committed, was a bailable offence and
that they were still presumed innocent until proven guilty.
The prosecutor Anyanwu objected to the bail application, on
the grounds that the charges levelled against the defendants
were charges of rape, sexual assault and occasional harm.
However, Magistrate Aje-Afunwa, granted the first defendant
bail in the sum of N200,000, with one responsible surety in
like sum, while the second defendant was admitted bail in
the sum of N50,000, with one surety in like sum.
She also said that the surety must either be a relative, a
cleric or a community leader.
The matter was adjourned till January 9, 2015, for trial.

The vanguard


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