Relationships : Why nookie could be a lot of fun when it’s impromptu!!

IT’S amazing what topic crops up, when you’re having girlie night with no man giving his unsolicited ‘expert’ views. A couple of weeks ago, we all got together at a friend’s place, having a good gossip amidst delicious food and well-chilled booze. The topic eventually centred around sex – the fast and furious kind. “There’s nothing like an impromptu bonk to keep the adrenalin pumping,” Felicia chipped in. She was a very sensual lady and is not embarrassed to admit it. We instantly switched attention to her. Had she had one herself? “Who hasn’t, if you’re all going to be honest,” she said. “One occasion came to mind. It was when I was separated from my husband and Philip, one of his friends who I couldn’t really stand, started being really hostile to me whenever we ran into each other. He knew I hated him and he pretended he didn’t give a toss. Until the evening he dropped by to pick a valued book of his in the house that my husband hadn’t returned. I reluctantly let him in so he c...