Relationships : Why nookie could be a lot of fun when it’s impromptu!!

IT’S amazing what topic crops up, when you’re having girlie night with no man giving his unsolicited ‘expert’ views. A couple of weeks ago, we all got together at a friend’s place, having a good gossip amidst delicious food and well-chilled booze. The topic eventually centred around sex – the fast and furious kind.

“There’s nothing like an impromptu bonk to keep the adrenalin pumping,” Felicia chipped in. She was a very sensual lady and is not embarrassed to admit it. We instantly switched attention to her. Had she had one herself? “Who hasn’t, if you’re all going to be honest,” she said. “One occasion came to mind. It was when I was separated from my husband and Philip, one of his friends who I couldn’t really stand, started being really hostile to me whenever we ran into each other. He knew I hated him and he pretended he didn’t give a toss. Until the evening he dropped by to pick a valued book of his in the house that my husband hadn’t returned. I reluctantly let him in so he could search for the book himself. As he flicked through the books on the shelf, he told me how genuinely sorry he was that we had separated and how he sincerely hoped we would get back together soon. He actually admitted he loved my cooking. That he was impressed that a pretty and sophisticated woman like me could be a good cook and a good mother. I was completely thrown by his complements. Sensing my confusion, he put his arm around me then drew me to his chest. Maybe I missed sex or it was the fact that the man I thought to be arrogant and stand-offish had fallen at my feet, but my response was instant – involuntary.

“As we kissed, he turned into a sort of wild beast – running his hands all over me and confessing he’d wanted to do that for years. In no time at all, we were having sex and knowing it was Philip, a man I had hated so much, gave it an extra edge. In between, there was a knock on my door – it was the blasted maid wanting to know if I was ready to eat! The sneaky idiot was always doing that – never easy to find except there was a male visitor in the house. I dismissed her and we both laughed. The sex was fast and frenzied but I asked Philip to leave. He didn’t mind. Not a word was said about the book he’d pretended he’d come to pick either. After that, we had a couple of quickies before I finally made up with my husband. That put paid to our romps!”

Sola, an older member of the group is a young-at-heart grandmother. She had always confessed to being a cold fish. A mother of three, she once said she tolerated sex because she wanted to have kids. “Even after I lost my husband and had a few lovers, none of them turned me on.” She now said, “Until a few years ago when I met May. I was raising fund for charity and he was one of the men I was mandated to contact. He was over 6ft tall and quite good-looking in an unsophisticated way. He was very friendly and as we chatted away, he asked if I could come back later to collect his donation as he wanted to give me cash.

“I came back to find his office almost empty. He was having a take- away which he offered to share with me. He had an opened bottle of wine too. After a few glasses, I felt emboldened enough to flirt with him. He then stood up and quietly locked the door to his office. It had a sofa in the corner and he led me to it. In a flash he was on me, kissing me roughly and messing up my hair. It hurt a bit, but I was shocked to feel excitement. What I had never felt in my life before!
He continued shoving and grabbing at my clothes before toppling me to the floor on my back, at the same time pulling at the belt of his own trousers. It was raw sex-filthy, frenzied and almost brutal but, like I said, I’d never experienced anything like it! For the first time in my life, I had an orgasm in that lovely brute’s hands.

“When it was over, I even had a few bruises caused by the harsh carpet but I didn’t mind. I finally knew what great sex was. Though it was rough sex, I loved it; that’s what I’d been missing all my life. The affair lasted for about three months until he suddenly stopped taking my calls. He’d dumped me. I was devastated but I was determined to hang on to my dignity. I didn’t go to May’s office demanding why I was dumped. Unfortunately, I’ve never found a man to match my special brute.

“Yet I have the memory of that bit of rough to give me the confidence I need that I will find a man like him again. I’m glad I discovered I wasn’t such a cold fish after all. I’d kidded myself before that the kind of yelling, shrieking passion – the sort you read about and see in films – didn’t really exist after all. Now I know better!”


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