Society: Beauty Over Brains

They say beauty without brain is nothing. When a guy says this, I wave it aside, but when a lady says this, I scream, she's try'na console herself Gone are the days when brain was first prioritized before beauty. Now beauty seems to top the list. Now, I mean right now (this era), once a girl is curvy she feels she's got the world in her hands... I've heard and seen how ladies praise their bodies and how they flaunt it. These ladies will tell you they can get any man with their "body" ... And they sure can, Brain didn't come in, but their body.. We are in that era where body, the curvy body of a female is more respected and cheered than her brain.. You don't believe me??? An intelligent lady writes on science, or maybe politics or life in general, only the people that read the article knows how good it is, she gets few likes and thumbs up.. But when that same lady puts up a pic of her striking the normal girl pose, her legs bow, chests out, ass...