Society: How To Be Man In 2015

How to be a man in 2015

Being a guy used to be easy. Now it’s just confusing. Are you an ultra dad or a lumbersexual? And who’s the better
role model – David Beckham or Louis CK?

'In today’s pop-culture landscape
there’s no single archetypal ideal that we’re supposed to emulate,' says Max Olexker
In the far-flung misty past, being a man was a simple thing. You left school, got a job, got married, had children, drank heavily, played golf, had an aborted
affair, never spoke about your feelings under any circumstances, and died of a heart attack aged 56. Easy.
But we’re well into the 21st century and the rule book for men (now an ebook) has been torn up (corrupted). These
days, things are different. I am a feminist. I am also a man. I care passionately about feminism, but I also want
to know what it means to be a man in 2015, and that can feel like a difficult subject to address. These days the very
discussion of male identity can end up aligning you with swivel-eyed men’s rights activists or the misogynistic Red
Pillers on Reddit who spend their time discussing how women have it so much better.

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