Society : When it pays the husband to look the other way

Some couple of years back, Hector, a fifty-one year-old businessman and a colleague took up his daily paper at the breakfast table and gave an involuntary yelp when he got to the obituaries.

For, staring him in the face was the picture of a lover he saw only the week before. “My wife wanted to know what the matter was when she heard my scream,” said Hector later “but I told her I’d read just a nasty report in the papers and she left it at that. Later that day, after I’d established that she was really dead and would be buried the next day, I had a talk with my wife.

I had to explain to her why it was that important for me to attend Bose’s (that’s the lady’s name) funeral. She was a girl I was madly in love with, who swore she loved me more than she loved her husband. I’m sure my wife agreed that I should go because now that she was dead, she was no competition. I wouldn’t have told her if there was no chance of the story getting back to her ‘well-meaning’ busy-body friends!

“But seriously though, I’d never met anyone as charming and loving as Bose was to me. She wasn’t an ordinary girlfriend. She was like a wife to me. Whatever I bought my wife, I always made sure I either bought her the same things or gave her money equivalent to the amount of purchase. Part of me died when she did and that was no exaggeration” .

Polyandry has never been an accepted thing in this country. In fact, nobody dares mention it in male circles, but the fact still remains that for decades, married women have always had lovers they would stake their marriage on any day. A lot of women look on these lovers as second ‘husbands’. They see these men as men who make it possible for choice meals to be placed on their family tables. Men who guarantee paid holidays. Men who have the grudging respect of the husbands of women they are involved with because such husbands are helpless to stop the relationship. The financial power the wives lovers wield is enough to silence the husbands.

At a naming ceremony recently, a few guests gasped as the new mother’s lover sauntered in with a handful of his friends. The guests’ looks became more incredulous as the husband made a fuss of the man and showed his entourage to a vantage spot! Furious whispers then followed regarding all the goodies the lover was able to throw into the couple’s path. On top of that, he was alleged to have used his muscles to get the redundant husband a job that had a car thrown in!
Women have their fun names for men that have come to stay in their lives. They call them “Shock-absorbers”, “Stabilizers”, “God-sent” amongst others, unlike the casual one-night stands they refer to as “interludes” and mere experiments! For the shock-absorbers, the sky is the limit, as to what their women would do out of gratitude.

For years, Rita, a wife and a mother of three always shopped for two sets of family. Then, she would cook her lover’s dinner in her kitchen using the best ingredients. Her lover’s driver was always around at the dot of three in the afternoon to take the goodies away. The cat was finally let out of the bag the day the suspecting husband followed the driver to his destination only to discover that the man was also married. He was determined to put an end to the shameful affair before it got out of hand.

He made a lot of noise at the poor man’s house intending to embarrass him in the presence of his wife. The lover’s wife said she knew what was going on. She’d always been a lousy cook and if another woman could make her husband happy, why begrudge him a happiness he could well afford? Moreover, her man’s lover was married with no likelihood of wanting to snatch her man. Looking at the complainant coldly, she told him to thank his stars her husband was happily shouldering responsibilities that were his. “You are sick”, spat the husband as he charged out of the house.

Talking seriously though, if a man can have the stamina for three to five wives, couldn’t a woman have for just two men? A lot of them do already! Clara, one of such women sees it as having her own back at a husband who’s always days behind the house-keeping money. “On the days he doesn’t meet his financial obligations and expects food on the table, I make sure he has more food than he bargains for,” she said. “What I do is use my current lover’s money to buy food for the house and watch with relish as he wolfs it down. It always gives me sadistic pleasure he’s feeding fat on his ‘assistant’s’ generosity.”


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