Society : When gigolos give you value for money!


ENO has been a non-conformist all her life, so this eventful day, she waited patiently at the VIP lounge of the local airport, fuming at the unnecessary delay in her flight when she noticed this young chap in his late thirties saunter towards where she was. Eno is in her late fifties. Curiously, she glanced at the seemingly shy man as he perched on a seat next to her. The conversation was stilled at first until Eno let it drop that she had an engagement at the Port Harcourt branch of the motel she ran. He instantly became interested in what I had to say and was chatting away as if he'd just discovered his tongue,  Eno recalled. When we eventually boarded the plane, it was inevitable that we sat together.

He was quite helpful really, with my suitcase and with making sure I was comfortable. When we arrived at Port Harcourt, he asked tentatively if he could be put up in any of the rooms in my motel as it was too late to secure any decent accommodation. I would be a fool to pretend I didn't  know where all these was leading to. I was a single woman, twice divorced, and men like Ebere (the man's  name) swarmed around me all the time. Not that I look stunning at over 50, but because they could get compensated for services well rendered.

At my age, you have to take what is thrown at you and men like Ebere are fit and strong and quite better looking than men my age – and they appreciate you. Like a friend aptly puts it, getting involved with younger men is like walking down a well stocked supermarket with an empty trolley. The goods on display are just begging to be snapped up ...   Would she call it prostitution?
Call it whatever you like, but there is a clear exchange of cash or gifts for sexual services. The agreement may last an hour, a night or a week. In some cases, it is more informal long-term investment. The toy boy's aim being to acquire benefits over a period he finds an older woman, get involved and build up a nest-egg for when he gets married. One thing is for sure, as long as you are loaded, you can be plain or fat or a pensioner you will still be made to feel young and beautiful and there are more than enough of these men to go round with their taut well exercised bodies.

They don't  need all those Viagra stuff unlike a lot of men my age. It is sad that dating younger men which used to be a rarity now operates on an industrial scale, observes a social commentator who says she feels disgusted by some older women's get-laid-wherever-you-can-get-it attitude. What was exciting has turned exploitative. Passion has been replaced by the predatory and caring has become a con to the opportunistic gigolos. And they have stupid well-worn lines they use on their victims that never fail: You are my destiny, without you, I would never have made it in life! Sloppy words that send their victims reaching for their cheque books.
 Life is short, Eno concluded dreamy-eyed.  rich.
My two children are happily married and in a decade or two I might be history. With those younger men, I might buy the drinks, the gifts and give them a good time, but believe me, it is a bargain for the emotional satisfaction I get. The married ones amongst my friends use my motels all the time, then go home and resume their normal life with their families. What the husbands don't know can't  hurt them.

Years back, when we girls discussed the issue of younger lovers, Ini had been indignant at having to strip in front of a gangling man. There were far more interesting men around for her to make a fool of herself with an inexperienced braggart! When I now discussed Eno's case with her, it was obvious her views had mellowed with years. At Eno's age, she said, you've  got to get love anywhere you can find it. Men of her age group are not exactly bursting with testosterone and forty something younger  men are more discreet than those in their 20s! I'll tell you what happened to me afew years back.

I was on my way to the UK when I ran into Joshua, a younger colleague in the year when I used to work in an office. He was the one who recognized me really.
I wouldn't  have believed it was him if he hadn't  approached me. He had filled out a bit, was obviously successful since he was flying first class and he looked really dishy. He was a bit irritating when we worked together and I was his boss – always coming to work late and tearing up any query he was given. He was eventually sacked but he showed no remorse and grapevine had it he got a better job. thanks to his influential dad.

He seemed to have forgotten our little spats as he offered dinner in a very posh restaurant. I was to be in London for only two weeks and he stayed at this cool service apartment. When I realized he was eating out a lot of the time, I agreed to cook him some meals – his company was fun afterall and his bar was well-stocked! Inevitably we had sex – and it was good. He was a few years younger, experienced and mature – or so I thought! He had to spoil things by blurting out he never imagined in his wild dreams that he could bed a woman like me – a woman who had been so hoity – toity and seemingly untouchable! There was actually pride in his voice – like he'd tamed a shrew!
I felt a bit embarrassed but you could see that was how he really felt – and I'm  sure he would have boasted to a few of his friends when he got back home.

We didn't  even bother to arrange to see each other after I left. He'd obviously schemed to bed an imaginary hot woman and proud he'd accomplished the task. This has nothing to do with his being younger -afterall he was a grown man. Some men are quite childish and see bedding different woman as an accomplishment.
All I know is that there are a lot of decent and discreet younger men out there and if you could get one – make the most of the meal! 


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