Society : Just A Thought

When I first met my husband, it was in a library. We talked briefly and we became close. I have had past relationships in my life so I was careful as possible. I realised that he had no past relationship. He was a typical virgin and was new and I was his first girlfriend. So I felt comfortable with him. He was so kind and loving so I agreed to marry him.

Now it has gotten worse. Everytime he does anything I want without asking questions. At first I enjoyed it but now I'm starting to worry about him as it's getting out of hand. He does not display any act of manliness in the house. He behaves like my puppet or my foot stool. 
The other day he was watching the soccer game and I just jokingly mentioned how boring it was and I would prefer the faith channel. He changed the channel to the faith channel just like that. Even at work he would be calling me and texting me I am even scared he would loose his job if his employer finds out.
I have no time for myself.. he is always around. Sometimes if I say no to his advances for sex he would act like I am a wicked woman who has cheated him or rubbed him of his right. He would give me the silent treatment for weeks until I give in. 
On Sunday he insisted on going with me to the salon and it's now embarrassing as every Sunday my mates in the salon would gossip about how my husband is the only man amongst women making
their hairs because his wife is there. I try to talk to him but he would feel so sad like I have taken smething away. I don't understand. 
If I'm studying at night, he would suddenly begin to romance me and strip me of my clothing without
saying anything first when he can see I'm studying. If I rebuke him, he would be very sad. Every time he must have one intimate relation with me everyday and life does not work that way. I don't know if it's immaturity or he is sick mentally. The day I returned home 11pm due to huge traffic jam, I was expecting him to be furious like any other man.. he was with all smiles even offered me water and collected my bag and books. Christ.
I need sincere help. I told his family that I'll file a divorce if this continues as I cannot live like this. It's no longer love but idolatry. I thought it's wives that are submissive.. he is the one submissive. Anything I ask... he grants even silly things. Things that a real man would query before granting.
I am sure that if I ask him to bathe in acid he would do it. I'm sick and tired of this marriage. Just a year.
The last quater he gave me his ATM to spend when I went for training in Abuja. When I was spending excessively he was quiet about it until I returned and found it he was broke that i wrecked him. I was
wondering what happened to him. Why didn't he talk?
Please Nairalanders what is happening? 
I love him still and divorce would be my last resort. I need your advice and help on how to fix this because I don't know what to do anymore.
Thank you all.
You see...
The problem with some people is that THEY DON'T HAVE ANY PROBLEM.
In this era when horse-bands are murdering and butchering their wiveses..
This daughter of eve is complaining of too much love from her husband.
‪#‎Adamu_eeeh‬ SMH
Oh Lord...
The way this man is behaving towards this woman,
Please give me a woman that would be just like this.... Biko!
Of all qualities I have seen in women,
Loyalty is what I cherish and yearn for most.
God Knows !!!


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