Society: Focus

Mama Blessing Agboli

I have lived in London for the past seventeen years of my life. For the first six years I took cab everywhere, I even contracted a personal cab man. The cab driver I contracted called me one day, after six years of driving me, he said "Mama buy a car and stop using public transport system."
I was actually terrified to drive in London because of the speed at which the cars moved. Anyways, I applied for license then got a driving instructor. It was a nightmare, I halted at every horn coming from behind me out of fear. One day my instructor said to me.
"Don't bother about people behind you, focus on those in front of you. Follow them carefully and be very watchful."

Why am I being so narrative? Don't listen to people who talk behind you and try to pull you down, they are behind you. They see you because you are ahead of them. Have this notion in mind; God has endorsed you! Don't live your life based on people's perception.
I have absorbed a particular sentiment & nugget charge, whether I'm dressing up to go out, making a speech, or even as I write to you my friends I have one thing one my mind;

Should I stop doing what I do because you don't like me? God forbid! God has favored me and His Favour gives confidence. From the day I read in the scriptures, an enigmatic verse that says "where is the disputer of this world?" (1 Corinthians 1 vs 20) I stopped bothering myself about the people behind.

Until you are focused on what you know how to do best, people are going to make you feel inadequate, if you are too happy they will complain, if you are not happy they will complain. Never allow this world choose for you.
The determining factor here is simple, you can only live a fulfilled life by the choices you make. The approval of any man will delay your purpose. You must not seek approval from men. In all make sure you seek the face of God, enough to have a good relationship with Christ Jesus, being filled by the Holy Ghost. Then having the holy spirit direct you daily. Once this is in place, the whole world's opinion about you is irrelevant.

I love Jesus and I love being me, I am not going to allow anybody behind me deter me from my purpose and the grace God has given to me. I have always known that those who wait to see you fail or fall will one day crawl back begging for your assistance. If you stop to check why the person behind you is yelling snarling, horning and complaining, they will overtake you if you are not careful. Now look forward, knowing that the things in front of you are greater than the things behind you. The apostle Paul calls it "pressing forward"


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