Reflections : On My Mind

By Princess Nsikak

What's on my mind?
I'd tell you.
It's been 4-5months now since I stopped worrying about people's relationships and marriages. I don't talk about a person's love life.
I'm at that point in my life when I don't care anymore.
So I see this gorgeously dressed female with a black eye and an ugly looking fella. Back then, I'd worry myself about what she's doing with him and probably ask myself what she sees in him, but now? I don't care anymore.
I don't care why that married virtuous woman is still married to that man even when he brings girls home. I stopped worrying. I stopped talking, writing and thinking about relationships.
I feel nothing when I read of that dead woman, or that man who was poured acid, or that man that loves his kids so much and chooses to stay with his mad wife or that woman who toils for money to take care of her home.
I stopped worrying.
My feelings died a long time ago.
Yes! I cringe when I hear or read most times but I just wave it off.
Eet ees not my beeezwax.
So this is what happened last week.
A neighbor, a young single mom of 21 brought food for me. She cooked it and because I take care of her daughter when she's not around felt I needed energy. Someone(Female) ate the food with me and the first thing she said is 'Hmmm! No wonder this guy doesn't want to let her go, she sabi cook well well, her husband go enjoy her'
I ‪#‎sighed‬ and kept eating.
This isn't the first time she will say this.
Matter of fact, when other neighbors give us food and we eat and just maybe it doesn't taste nice, her usual remark is 'Her husband no go enjoy this one, him go dey chop food outside, before you know it another woman go enter her house'
Before I continue,
What's the way to a man's heart? Stomach?
Is that really true?.
Anyways, it's clear this female feels ONLY cooking makes a 'GOOD' wife. Only cooking makes a man/husband want and love you.
I can be a thief, awful in bed, bad odor, biggest nagging wife but because I cook good meals, everything will be fine? Cool story! Very cool.
As there are no manual for all working relationships, hers may work.
Who am I to fault hers?
This should be all for now.


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