Children's Education : Don't Force It!

Before I gained admission into the University, I used to be a nanny and a teacher. Career mothers and fathers dropped their kids with me.
Babies as young as 9months I took care of them. The oldest child was 2. Apart from keeping them safe till their parents got back, I also made sure they ate and also learnt their 1,2,3's and A,B,C's.
One of my fav kids was Amina. She was a very tiny and fragile girl. She was a year old and had the longest hair I'd ever seen. The first day her mother dropped her with me, in her words, 'I want you to teach her how to use her right hand'
How? I asked.
I took Amina in. She was a very smart girl. I noticed she loves painting and she does a fine job by using it on her face and her clothes. All these she does with her left hand. When I hand over her biscuits to her, unconsciously she stretches her left hand to receive it. When she wants to play with colors, she uses her left hand. So I knew she was left handed and it was really cute to me.
In her mom's words, she said teach her how to use her right hand.
So when Amina stretches her hand to collect with her left hand, I'd tell her to use her right hand. With much pain, she slowly raises her right hand. I noticed it was different when she used her left hand.
In drawing, her diagrams weren't as good as before when she used her left hand and in writing her numbers and spellings, it was rough as the words weren't in alignment.
I told her mom all these and told her it would be best she's left to use the left hand. Her mom didn't want to listen. She said I was wack and quack. ‪#‎choi‬.
To prove I wasn't a wack teacher, I started putting pressure on Amina. Oh! She cried and didn't cope again. I got fed up and told her mom I wasn't interested in being her teacher anymore.
I never saw Amina again, till now.
But I'm sure, if she was made to use the right hand instead of left, she will be a dundee.
In Primary 4, I met Mustapha an albino who is also a ‪#‎leftie‬. Good God! That guy intimidated me. He was all shades of intelligence, just too intelligent.
Then in secondary school, Hammed. A leftie too. And he was intelligent and had a fine handwriting. Tho mine was/is finer
I read somewhere, how a woman thinks because her daughter is left-handed she won't get married. How?
And so for that she needs to force her to use her right hand.
Anyways, according to my research and study, if you try to force or stop a left handed child to a right handed you are endangering that child's life.
Many kids that you think are dumb or an ‪#‎olodo‬ are actually that way because they were born to be left handed but forcing them to be right handed affected their brain and learning. Changing the hand used for writing causes great confusion in the brain and can have a lot of knock-on effects. How?
Effects like:
*.Bad handwriting
*.Nail biting
*.Shyness and being withdrawn
*.Defiance and provocative behaviour
*.Poor concentration
*.Bad memory
*.Reading difficulties
*.Problems with spelling
*.Neurotic personality
*.Physical tiredness
These problems will not definitely occur in all people who have their writing hand changed and of course they can arise due to many other causes, but there does seem to be an association between all of these issues and a forced change of writing hand.

As science explains, our brain is divided into two halves (hemispheres). Left hemisphere affects the right side of your body and right hemisphere affects the left side of the body. The left hemisphere deals with logic, words and language, mathematics, science, order/pattern perception, practical and reality. The right hemisphere deals with imagination, creativity, spatial perception, “big picture” orientation, symbols, images and feelings. If the left side of the brain is dominant, the person prefers right hand and vice versa. Our whole physical being is interconnected ever since we are born and forcing  it to go against natural dominance puts a lot of harmful pressure.
Forcing a left-handed to be right-handed causes reduced activity in the dominant right hemisphere and increase activity in the non-dominant side. Since creativity and imagination are dominant parts of right brain, they will remain under-developed and the left-side of the brain sees increased activity that deals with reality, facts and logic … characteristics that are opposite of the person’s true potential. The consistent use of non-dominant part of brain affects the personality while growing up and the adaptability can be difficult. Forced right-handers have to work a lot harder to improve handwriting, take more time to adjust in using tools like scissors and knives, are unable to perform better at activities (like sports) than natural right-handers, get tired easily and may even have language difficulties due to possible dominancy conflict between the two halves of the brain.
So most times, that child you know might not be a dummy. He/she is actually that way because you forced them to change from left-right or right-left.
I hope we all learnt something today?


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