Society: Privacy Or Secretive?

Many Nigerians are guilty of this!
I ‪#‎USED‬ to have this very good friend. Known him for 5years, though we were on an on and off friendship relationship meaning he ‪#‎was‬ a friend.
We did all things together. We ate together. Hung out most times. His friends knew me. My friends knew him. It was cool.
We got closer last year, towards the year ending. He frequently came down to PH to see me. He would come down and leave the same day. We will just ate, play, gist and then he's back to his base, another state.
This year Feb. I saw new photos of him on BBM. New environment, new faces, different skin colors and project things. I checked his BBM profile and instead of the Nigerian flag, I saw UK flag.
I checked Facebook, his profile had been updated and there were few changes like Masters at ‪#‎so_so‬ University.
How come the changes and I had no idea?
You see, I said nothing. I acted like I didn't see anything. I turned a blind eye. I stopped liking his pictures so he feels I don't see the pictures he uploads.
Weeks later, I uploaded a throw back photo on BBM and we got talking. He mentioned how those photos brought back memories. How he would have loved to give me a big hug but can't because of where he is.
How? I asked. Feigning I didn't know. But you have always come down to see me and still leave the same day without complaining or stress. Is it work? I asked
He said no.
Said he's in UK.
UK? Like I didn't know.
What you doing there?
I came for my Masters.
Really? And you didn't think it through to let me know? Why? I thought I am your friend.
'You are' but I didn't even let my friends know. They all found out this way, the way you just found out and others on Facebook.
'Oh! I see'
Aite, cool.
For a moment there, I came to my own conclusion that I was never a friend. You know why I was pissed? I spoke with him the day he traveled out. He just acted like he was still sleeping. And even after that, when I tried calling on other days and I get to be told number not available, he gives me excuses of no light and asked we chat instead.
Ok! Call me when you charge.
Till I found out.
Even the night to his traveling, we spoke and he didn't think I qualified to have known he was leaving.
Oh Ok! Maybe I am being a drama queen, I had no right to know since I wasn't his girlfriend. But we have been friends for 5years. Ok! Maybe it's because I'm female, abi? Your hommies nko? He didn't tell them.
What da hell? Why? Why?

So I understood it's human nature to hide things for fear of being killed or something bad happening, right?
This is why you'd see a pregnant woman. Very heavy, face changed, foot swollen and she will still deny even when there's a prove right in front of you she's pregnant. Still denying she's not pregnant, and lying to your face it's food.
Which kind food be that?
That's how my neighbor, we have lived together for years, over 25years. Their first son was prepping to leave Lagos for school, he just gained admission. They never let us know. For fear of us, my family collecting his admission letter. Lmaoooo!   but when I gained admission, after my family, I rushed to share the good news with them. Even when I was traveling for school, I let them know. I got nothing to hide.
They kept on doing their hide and seek game. Why?
You make preparations to travel, it's clear you want to travel, you buy things and make new styles but lie you ain't.
Dear Pregnant women that lie they ain't pregnant for fear of being ‪#‎jujutized‬. When you give birth, you announce the news. Do you think that baby can't be #jujutized? Tell me.
Worst are those that won't let their close friends know. You hide things, I'm not saying it's bad not to be private but there are people you let in.
You walk around, you go to the market. If indeed evil wants to befall you, it will. A stranger might cause evil.
You have been friends with someone for years but when pregnant or maybe admission, a new job or marriage you lock up.
That's how my friend, childhood friend, got engaged and didn't tell me. I didn't know. I kept seeing her with a ring, she said it's just fashion. Okay!
Next, I'm seeing pre-wedding shoots. Nice! Who is he? (Just a friend) oh! He's good-looking. You 2 serious? No, we just having fun. And that's how she did till I saw a wedding invitation on FACEBOOK and I was tagged.
Da Fuck!
I just acted like I didn't see it, and told people not to tag me to photos I wasn't there or people who aren't my friends. Of course, I don't consider myself a friend.
Did she think I was going to be jealous? And then she wants me to make a toast on her wedding. As per what na? As per wetin I be?
We might never change from this mentality.
If you know a friend ain't qualified to know about the good things or maybe bad and ugly things happening, why are you still friends with them?
If you can't share that you are sick or suffering from an ailment/illness. Then ‪#‎gerrarahia_shii‬.
You don't share good news, bad nko? No! Ok! Ugly news? Nope.
Why am I your friend?
All of a sudden, you think I'm now a witch?
I didn't kill you those days we ate together or had sleep overs.
No wonder when celebs share news about them pregnant or baby faces, myopic Nigerians will tell them to be careful of witches   na so!


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