Society : Best Friends

I loved my bestfriend so much but a guy came between us.
I loved her. She is very tall and I am the opposite. We are both slim, both dark skinned and almost did think alike.
I used to be this girl that would wake up, take my bath, rub my cream, put on sleeveless and trousers, no make up, no powder, no lipstick, nothing. She transformed me. She wanted me to look like a female (she said I wasn't one ). She said you have hot legs, stop wearing your long trousers. Go to classes with short gowns, stop wearing them in the hostel, go out, meet people.
I listened to the short gowns part, the makeup part? I took the lipstick part , I don't rub powder, never will.
I loved her. But I don't love her anymore but I RESPECT her.
See, I got nothing against her. I owe her btw, she used to push me to do things. We never should have let a guy come between us, you know? But then, I had to choose between friendship and relationship.
Don't get it twisted. We weren't in love with the same person.
She did the match-making. She spoke highly of this person. Actually forced me on dates with this person. Picked clothes for me to wear. Did makeup on my face. Styled my hair. Picked my shoes, most times gave me her cute handbags. All those meant, she's giving me her blessings, right? At least that's how I saw it.
Problems started because according to her she wasn't sure he loved me ENOUGH TO HER STANDARD. Huh? I ain't complaining. The love I'm seeing and getting, I love it this way. Nooooo! He doesn't love you enough.
My badness. Then she called me a bitch for going on dates with him, and called me a fool for loving him. She was joking, we take shots at each other, so I thought. She is not serious about it, right?
You know this person she was so pushing me to date, to be with, to free myself and let myself be loved suddenly became a 'bad boy'. How?
No, not bad boy. He became an enemy.
Then she told me things I should have known the first day she matched make us. Nah! Then she sent people to tell me he doesn't love me. Lmao!
. Wait! Why did she care so much? I asked. If he doesn't love me and I found out, we will break up and move on, why acting like it will lead us to hell? Who never break up before?
I won't say she was jealous. Of course, she wasn't. She just didn't like the fact I changed. Changed to her was answering calls, giggling like a little rat, and not stuck in the hostel.
I couldn't handle the drama, so we stopped being friends and I stopped being in a relationship with the guy. Which hurt me more? The guy not her.
I know they say friendship is better than relationships, but sometimes, some relationships are over friendships. Don't bite me!
My cousin had this girl he liked so much. She has been such a sweetheart. Nicest person I know. But my cousin's best friend who didn't like the girl for his own reasons which were dumb I must say told him to break up with her.
Why? Because he doesn't like her he says. Why don't you like her? No reason.
Why must I break up with her because you told me to. And his reply? 'Brothers over hoes anytime'
You gotta be fucking kidding me?
Really bro? Really?
I understand that friendship is better than relationships. I'm not disputing that. But some people take this friendship to another whole level.
We all have that 1 friend that needs to go for us to achieve a goal or be happy or at least get back our sanity.
When I notice a change in your attitude as a result of jealousy, I'm giving you a long rope. When you cross that line, you are gone.
There are 2 best friends in school that were well known. Things took a turn for the worse when one of them got engaged to be married. The other one felt it was betrayal on her best friend part to accept a marriage proposal without waiting for her to get proposed too so they can both plan their weddings together (because dem be twins abi ) .
For just that reason, she kept a grudge and everyone in their circle noticed. She was made the chief bride's maid but said she wasn't interested. On her best friend's wedding day, she failed to show up. Such a person was never a friend to start with. You should be happy for your friend, their happiness should be your own happiness and not you acting like a broken record.
What kind of friends should we let go off?
I'm no relationship counselor. You got to admit common sense is needed sometimes.
When a friend keeps getting angry over your success, I think it's time you let them go.
When a friend gets angry over your plans. Maybe a new guy, a new job, money, c'mon, you don't have to be told.
When a friend that used to tell you things start keeping things away from you? Something is definitely wrong.
It's dicey. While some friendships are better than relationships. When you see a bad friend and see the need to let go for a good relationship or better still a good person, you will know.
Friendship rocks! But it's no longer friendship when you perceive something bad. It stops being friendship instead of support and happiness, you get envy and back biting.
Sisters over niggas?
Brothers over hoes?
What say you? What do you think?


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