She put to bed late last year, twins for that matter.
They are her seventh, but because she birth twins, she now has eight children altogether.
In less than 12 years of marriage, she already has eight
Okay let me gist you all about this woman and her family a bit.....
I don't really know when or how they moved to my area in
Eko, but I just started seeing this woman all of a sudden roasting plantain and yams on a very busy road in my area.
My bestie(we both run the same business then) resides and
runs a business on that road, so I frequent that road.
I am a plantain lover, I don't think there is anyone who loves plantain as much as I do, but then I am sure almost
every Nigerian loves plantain. So you need to understand
how elated I was when I saw a young woman roasting
plantains and yams near my besties shop.....(At least I
won't be eating all those yeye ofe-akwu-rice from the only mama-put spot that road).
Any time I was there and hungry, I buy from her. But then
one or two things always goes wrong with my order.
It's either she burns it, or it doesn't cook well on the inside, and sometimes she puts too much salt.
When I complain, she blames her kids for her negligence.
She had a boy of about four years old, another one of about two, a toddlers, and she was pregnant too then....
(Maybe her condition is the reason why I end up paying, in
as much as she keeps delivering low quality)
Her husband is an okada man, and they live on the street
adjacent to that busy road in one of those type of
backyard rooms usually built alongside the wall of a fence.... (Very popular housing method in some areas in Lagos)
Most of the times, she would leave her post and people would be looking for her. Her coals would turn to ashes,
her yams would dry up, and her plantains would shrink because of negligence.
Then I took upon myself to find out what she usually goes home to do, because she usually goes for hours, without
remembering her business.
I saw her husband's okada parked somewhere in their compound, saw their kids playing in the front yard, except
the toddler.
I asked her oldest son where his mum is, and he pointed to their door.
I knocked, no one answered. I asked the boy again to
make sure if he was sure she was inside, and he confirmed..... Yes! Like most kids born into poverty, he
was very intelligent for his age(I used to wish he was mine then)
Then I changed my knocking gear, and even kept trying
the door knob as if my insistent knocking on the door would make it open automatically.
I guess the couple knew that the person knocking was never going to go away until the door opens, so she
answered from inside the room without opening the door. I
told her I needed her at her post, and I don't intend leaving her front door without her... Lol.
She knows I am one of her biggest customers, a generous
one, a very playful and stubbornly adamant one too. So she took a while and finally opened the door, smiling
sheepishly. (From the way she was sweating and from her appearance, I already knew what's up)
We got to the gate of their compound, and far from the
hearing of her husband, when I began to tease her about eating cookies with her husband, in her condition and
under such heat..... (That day was hot, and no power, abi nah light sef as usual)
She smiled and told me that I won't understand, that maybe I will understand when I get married.
But from that day, anytime she went missing from her post,
and I go to check on her and finds her husband's okada parked in their compound, I'll just turn around, because I
already knew what's up.
This is why I wasn't suprised when I learnt that she now has a total of eight children from a friend yesterday, cos
breeding and rearing is the only thing most poor people are good at.
Back to my original post.....
She said I won't understand, but I do.
I do understand that poor men loves sex.
The only thing a poor man knows how to do is to have sex without thinking about the consequences.
The time rich men would be using to think about new ways of making money, a poor man would be using it to think
about going back home to have sex.
The time his mates would be using to hustle, a poor man would be hustling to untie his woman's wrapper.
A rich man believes in having few kids and giving them the best, while a poor man believes that contraception is a
waste of money, and that God who gave him many children would give him the resources to train them with.
A rich man believes in leaving a will for his kids, a poor man believes in waiting for his children to grow up,
become rich and elevate him from poverty..... Smh... As if he is allergic to becoming rich himself.
The most annoying thing is that even till this present day
and age that the cost of living is extremely high, some
women are still going into marriage with poor men.
In this time and age....
If a man does not make an effort to elevate himself from his state of poverty, he has no reason whatsoever to take a wife.
How can a man who can barely feed and look after himself, be able to take care of a woman, not to mention children?
I wish there was going to be a ban to stop poor men from having sex completely.
And it should come with a very hard punishment incase, they break it.
Infact, poor men got no rights to have sex.
If they don't have energy to make money, where the hell do they get the energy to sweat ontop of somebody's daughter?


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