Mobile phones

Ok...few days ago on my way back from the village, The chick that sat beside me in the vehicle I boarded was pinging all through the long journey, she seemed to be
enjoying herself cos she was smiling and bumping her head
to the music playing from her head phone while pinging with her smart phone...Big girl feeling fly...she pinged for hours till her battery was flat and the phone switched
off...Then she sighed 'ohhh Goddd'.....
I could tell she was a 'jjc'...She needed directions to get to her destination.
Of course she had to make phone calls but as dumb as she was, she already drained her phone's battery...
Then She began to beg passengers for their phones. She was like..."Aunty borrow me ur phone maa use call my
people", Aunty borrowed...20 mins later, "Uncle where we dey? Abeg borrow me ur phone, I no sabi road...Maa call my family".
I was getting pissed. I just dey look am dey wait make my turn reach to beg for my own phone, As if she read my mood she ignored me.
I don't understand how in this present day,why one wouldn't know the importance of keeping a phone's battery lasting
as long as possible over a long distance trip until they become stranded.
This reminds me of some years back when my dad and his friend used the lift(elevator) in the National Electric Power
Authority (NEPA) business unit Ijora Lagos. When the elevator got to the last floor, It developed technical fault and they both got trapped in the elevator. No way to get out.
They needed to make phone calls to be rescued. The friend's phone already had no battery life. The man was crying and saying his last prayer.
Well dad's phone battery was almost dead, just a single red 'bar' signalling 'battery low'.....Luckily, He was able to
make a frantic phone call to the manager b4 the phone switched off completely.
Now what if the phone battery was completely dead, how would they be rescued? They could've been trapped in
there for hours and probably suffocate to death.
My point is, Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver.
Most of us ping, play music, browse the internet till our phone battery runs down completely and the phone
switches off...We forget to conserve some battery for later (unforseencircumstances).
Well we just don't care, after all
we can always charge later. Its a very bad habit.
This gadget(phone) we carry about is a very essential item.
It's not just for fun! What if there's an emergency?...
What if something serious happens, things we’d rather not think
about? kidnap? Rape? Health challenge? Robbery? Or a situation where you need help and you need to call someone?
It will be so painful when you're in a critical situation and you
already own an item that can save u from that situation, but you can't use it at that moment.
Know that your phone is an emergency tool for survival.
There are thousands of people every year that are
fortunate enough to have their phone save them from death.


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