

A certain frosh youngman, I choose to call him, Guyman, walks into a beer parlour and orders for a bottle of beer and a plate of peppersoup.
Then he turned around and saw me taking same peppersoup and bottle of malt with a friend. A joking tantrum ensued;
"Nna, this one You dey with malt for this kain place, your head no strong for beer?"
I actually didn't have a suitable answer for him cos obviously, I was odd in the mix, So I only managed a shy smile.
Then the guyman took his game on to another level.
Admiring the salesgirl in the shop, he asked her if she has eaten. The girl should be used to it, So she asked if there is "better" for her...
The guyman took it up from there and ordered for more peppersoup and beer, just for her.
Excitedly, the girl arranged her order near her table, popped open her beer and took a deep sip in a way that suggests she is damn thirsty.
0n seeing this, her madam hailed her girl and asked her who the chairman that made this order was, the girl pointed at the guyman.
But not wasting time, the guyman immediately was at it again.
This time, he ordered for the madam herself. He even insisted that the madam's brand legend, be made two bottles, so much for the madam's excitement.
The two women were ecstatic while the friend I was with couldn't concentrate again on our discussion.
She must be wishing to replace me with the benovolent man at that
Minutes later, the guyman made another order for himself, the salesgirl and two other ladies who had succeeded in talking the guy into buying them a drink and peppersoup.
At this point, I wished I can ask for my own too... Chayee!

The jollyment was still on when the guyman had a call, but network seemed not to be clear, so he decided to make the call, but alas his airtime disappointed him.
Standing up, he asked the salesgirl where they sell recharge cards of 0ne thousand Naira around that he needs to call his friend who was coming into 0werri in order to direct him to this bar.
After little discussion with the girl, I then saw the girl handing her phone to the guy so he can call his said friend and direct him to the bar for a possible "more drinks and jollification".
This is where the main drama began...

He called the guy with a loud voice, acting in a way to suggest that the guy was now around the place but needed a little more direction.
HE STEPPED 0UT to direct the guy with everyone of us relaxed and confident that he will be back with his said friend.
That was the last time we saw the guyman.
0n realising what has befell them, the girl and her madam could not bear it.
Shouts and screams roared the air as they searched for their "chairman", but no, the guy has vamoosed into the thin air.
What a guy he was...
His 3 bottles of Heineken and 2 plates of fish peppersoup...
The salesgirl's two plates of peppersoup and 2 bottles of Radler...
The madam's two plates of peppersoup (she only took one) and 2 bottles of Legend stout.
The two girls' 2 plates of peppersoup and two bottles of smirnoff ice...
And then finally,
The heartbreaking one;
The SalesGirl's HTC Phone.
ALL G0NE !!!
The funniest part of it all was how the two girls that the guyman bought things for, in pretence of helping to search for the guy ended up escaping the "crime scene", Lmao
The lady I was with who had already fallen for the guyman (judging with the way she was always stealing peeps of the said guy) now had to come back to her senses and concentrate on what I was saying.
What shocked me most was that, she can't remember anything I said while the guy was in action.
I had to take the pains of starting my sermons all over again.
This is how exciting bad guys can be.
No wonder good guys like us carry last.
This is what You suffer when You re searching for a wife.
Not easy at all...


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