THE GUYMAN AT THE BAR LAST NIGHT . Canice A certain frosh youngman, I choose to call him, Guyman, walks into a beer parlour and orders for a bottle of beer and a plate of peppersoup. Then he turned around and saw me taking same peppersoup and bottle of malt with a friend. A joking tantrum ensued; "Nna, this one You dey with malt for this kain place, your head no strong for beer?" I actually didn't have a suitable answer for him cos obviously, I was odd in the mix, So I only managed a shy smile. . Then the guyman took his game on to another level. Admiring the salesgirl in the shop, he asked her if she has eaten. The girl should be used to it, So she asked if there is "better" for her... The guyman took it up from there and ordered for more peppersoup and beer, just for her. Excitedly, the girl arranged her order near her table, popped open her beer and took a deep sip in a way that suggests she is damn thirsty. 0n seeing this, her madam hailed h...