Society : To The Ladies, How Submissive Are You??

18 Plus ( + )

A group of 7 ladies came to our house last week. They stayed for 4 days and it was a nice experience. Being the only daughter without a sister, I kinda liked their company. We had girls talk. We talked about everything. I mostly did the laughing and the comedienne of the house.
We got talking and we got to sex. One of the ladies said she doesn't like to talk about sex because she hates it and she was advised to borrow my earpiece for the duration of the sex talk.
In our discussion, we were talking about our sex adventure. The one that said she hates sex said she can never allow her boyfriend go down on her, she even added #God_Forbid to it,
'that irritating thing,
that smelling thing?'.
' Even me I can't even taste or put my tongue into it' she said with so much disgust.
The other ladies jaws dropped. They tried telling her what she has been missing and how it is best to them. You know those kind talk?
She refused, she said 'ordinary boyfriend suck me?' Never! If it's not my husband, I won't allow him' she said it was only her husband that would suck her. Even if she didn't like it, she won't complain to her husband.
They in their bid to make her understand from boyfriend, a husband comes forth didn't work. She kept quiet at first, then with a loud cry, said no. But she will only allow her husband.
At this point, I gave up on her talks and fixed my earpiece on. Needless to say, we stopped talking because of her.
It was 10am and we were watching E! Keeping up with the Kardashian. She said she's been hearing about Kim but doesn't know who she is. Whilst everyone were telling her Kim is Kanye's wife, Kim is a fashion mogul, I just told her Kim is a porn star.
Then I googled nude photos of Kim to her, and she said #God_Forbid, she can never pose nude.
I looked at her in a funny way, like who was going to ask her to pose nude. And her come back reply, ' if my husband tells me to pose nude, I will do it. That she has to do everything her husband tells her to do.
Wow! What a submissive wife in the making.
First, she doesn't like cunninlingus which is understandable. And because most men are obsessed with doing it, I might understand the need for her to give in to it if her husband likes it, with all her rigidity, she might have to loosen up.
But the pose nude part, when she's not Kim Kardashian or Rihanna or even Kylie Jenner?
The world is changing and it's expected we change too, not changing with the world will leave us backward just as Nigeria is backward (no apologies).
I understand the need to be submissive to a partner but the question we need to ask ourselves, at what stage can we say no to submission?
If your partner says 'sit down here' , don't 'go outside' . Is he or she right to say that? And is it okay to listen and obey?
We are very different people. My level of submission is different from yours. While you may have a problem being submissive to an order or request, I may not have a problem with it.
When a partner tells you to stop talking to friends and families? Does that partner have the right to make such an order? (Notice I used the word partner? So you don't get confused and turn this to a gender thing of men making orders. Women also make do this too. )
When you are told by a partner to stop sending money to your family members, would you listen and be submissive to that call?
Someone I met in the past, in a bid to make me submissive, told me to break my sim because he didn't want me to still be friends with my old buddies. He told me to stop being friends with people I met before him and when I deactivated my account one time, he was angry I did. According to him, I should have talked to him about it and he would have given me his permission to deactivate or not, and back then he didn't want me to, on my own Facebook account? While others may see this as not a big damn deal, I saw it as a big deal because I didn't heed or rather submit to his order. It is my life.

If a partner orders you to do something and you know it won't go down well with you, why do it?
That you are married doesn't mean you do everything your partner says.
Taking Neyo into consideration, I first read of his demands early this year, when he told his then fiancee and baby mama to tie her tubes because he didn't want more children, and because of love or what I don't know, she did as he wanted -Tied her tubes- this means no more children for her. And at the end, he broke up with her and is now dating/married to another woman, the best part, she's pregnant.
His reason for telling her to tie her tubes was because he didn't want more children (he has 2) but still went ahead to get another woman pregnant.
I don't pity his ex. And what he did won't change how I feel about Neyo. It was her body, her tubes, her life, she alone has the right to her body and things done to it. That you are a fiancee or a baby mama or wife doesn't mean your body is owned by the man. (In my opinion)
In my opinion, only in the art of sex can a person say your body is mine. Even at that, if your partner tells you to perform a sex art that you do not like, it's your right to say NO!
If a man says he wants anal, ask yourself, do you really want anal sex or you are giving in because your partner asked for it?
While I may not be married YET, I still think, I alone can decide the number of children I want coming out from my vagina.
This is why it's important to talk about the number of kids you want before tying the knot. So you don't meet a man that says he wants 16children while you want 3. It won't work. And in Nigeria, they will say, the husband paid your bride price, you are his property and then you put your body through 16 children when you know you can handle only 3.
It's best you find someone whose number of children is on the same line as yours. Man says 3, you want 4. You can arrange that. Not 2 vs 8. Or 1 vs 10. There will be problems.
Enough of the long stories.
There's a limit to ones submission.
If your partner makes an outrageous demand, it's your right to say NO if it's against your wish and not likely to be regretted later or become a bone of contention.
Question is:
What is that thing you know you can never do?


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