Relationships : Dog Catcher Or Lion Tamer? Your Choice!!


If all the men you keep meeting are dogs - maybe the problem isn't the men. Maybe you're just a dog-catcher.
You ever stop to think about what dogs are attracted to? Dogs are attracted to trash. So maybe you want to check the way you are presenting and packaging yourself if you don't wish to attract dogs any more.
Present yourself trashy and I can guarantee that you'll attract plenty of dogs. So don't get mad when the dogs keep showing up!
In other words - stop expecting dogs to act like lions!

Dogs are dogs. They play in garbage, eat nasty stuff, and will hump any and every other woman's leg too. Your leg isn't special at all to a dog. It wants every leg! That's just the nature of a dog.
Lions on the other hand are regal by nature. They hunt for what they want - and aren't afraid to go after the bigger game in life. Lions are also fiercely protective over their women.

It's not uncommon for a lion to die attempting to protect his family. He's such a family oriented type of animal that his family is called his 'pride.'
So why are you constantly using dog-bait to attract a lion???

If you want someone that's family oriented, you'll have to put away that dog-catchers uniform. You'll need to start dressing and acting like a lion-tamer!
One of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. Perhaps it's time to do something different in order to get different results. That way you won't look and sound crazy to folks who know better, when you try to convince us that all men are dogs.

Some of you have zero sense when it comes to dating. You secretly like being a dog-catcher. You know that it doesn't take much to attract dogs. This is why you keep picking and choosing the absolute WORST doggish type of men.

And even if you do manage to succeed at catching and training one - all you still have yourself is a dog. Your problem is that you keep waiting for one of those dogs to miraculously turn into a lion.
Then to add to the situation, you'll surround yourself with women who are just as clueless as you are, becoming one big bitter sorority of dog catching relationship failures - feeding into one another's false sense of reality about men.
I call them SOF: the Sisterhood of Failure. That's one sorority you do NOT want to be part of!

If you're the dog-catching type, this post was written especially for you. It's your official ticket to dog-catching rehab. It'll show you how to trade in that dog-catcher uniform once and for all, and help you become a lion-tamer instead.
And if you know a dog-catcher or two, tag them in this post. Maybe it'll stir them to change their lives too.


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