Society : Staying Faithful


Ladies wonder:
How Come Men Stay Faithful and Loyal To just One Single Football Club All Their Lives,
But Yet, Find It Difficult To Stay Loyal To Just One Single Woman For Life.
Good Question!
Dear Ladies,
Imagine This Scenario;
I'm a Die-Hard Arsenal fan,
but when Hazard scored agaist Tottenham Hotspur on Monday night,
I disturbed my neighbours with shouts of "Gooaaalll".
Arsenal did not complain.
Yesterday night,
I watched Athletico Madrid beat Bayern Munich with so much ecstasy,
Arsenal again did not complain.
I will watch and support Real Madrid to demolish Manchester City...
Arsenal will not complain again.

This is why it is very easy to be loyal to one club,
Our club allows us to taste other clubs once in a while without complaining.
That is, whenever we feel like free-styling with other clubs, our club will never complain.
Now, if I marry Binta as my wife,
I dare not be seen with sister Bimbo for one corner discussing how Jesus walked on the sea or the most common fellowship matter,
My Binta MUST complain.
If Jennifer an old class-mate, meets me one day with excitement and give me a tight hug in Binta's presence,
her face would change and I will have to explain with extra-sheet that evening. Lol
Finally, if she ever catches me trying to free-style Ronaldo skills with Amaka and Jane,,,
Na ogbonge wahala be that too oO.
Una don see the difference between Loyalty To One Club and Loyalty To One Woman?
They re not just the same at all.
We do cheat on our clubs like kilode... Una no know abi?
Make Una Take Us As Una See Us.
If I Spoke Your mind,
Oya Show Yasef Here. Lolzzz


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