Relationships : Love Out Of Gratitude


A Philosophical Overview.

You see...
I'm not a fan of our own kind of love cos our harsh economy has so distorted it's smooth sail.
Nowadays, for a man to win over a woman's love, he must do for her, something that would provoke a huge gratitude from her.
And how do our ladies show this gratitude?
By agreeing to date us - a reason why we did them that huge favour in the first place.
This is why a lady would tell a guy;
"Why should I come to your house?
Why should I allow you to touch me?
You haven't done enough for me and you re asking me to come visit you in your house?".
She would never ask herself; "Do I like this guy enough to date him?... If he hadn't done this favour for me, if he still came to ask me to date him, would I have agreed?"
She won't ask herself these questions.
She would try so hard within her to kill any love she has for a dude her heart so much wanted.
This is why dating a poor girl is so confusing.
As a man, you won't know if she is showing pure love towards you or whether she is just showing you gratitude for what you ve done and doing for her.
Many ladies have ended up marrying their husbands out of gratitude.
Life plays a huge trick on these ladies later on.
After marrying and subsequently lacking nothing from their benevolent husband,
They will then meet another young man outside (married or single) whom they will fall deeply in love with, devoid of gratitude or any obligation to pay back any favour.

So many married women are in this dilemma.
Many of them!
This is why I said earlier,
That a broke babe cannot easily fall in love.
She would rather be showing gratitude to the man that becomes a great help to her while professing love to her.
It takes a babe who lacks little or nothing, to fall in love, purely.
But those ones hardly fall in love too.
Because, they re also scared to love purely, a man who would be loving them out of gratitude and for what they can gain from them.
As for tiwa Savage,
There was a time she was broke.
Tee-Bilz paid and sponsored her first video when she had no one to help.
Tee-Bilz then capitalized on it to ask her for love,
Did she give Tee-Bilz love?
Rather, she gave him Gratitude in guise of Love.
More than 90% of our women do this too.
In her interview,
She said;
"I knew the marriage was not going to work".
Tiwa is intelligent... She knew that what she felt for her benefactor was not love.
It was simply Gratitude.
She is happy it is over.
Now that she is rich, she can now in the future, fall in love with a man whom she won't have to feel any gratitude for or pay him back for something he did for her.
She would then fall in love with her man's soul and spirit.
That is How True Love Should Be.
Dear men,
If you help a lady you re so much sexually attracted to,
Enjoy the sex which she would obviously give you and move on.
Gratitude is not love - Do not deceive yourself.


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