Valentine's Day Advice To The Bobo's : How to win a girl’s love with just 10k in one week

The economic situation is biting and many guys are vexing while as usual the ladies are expecting. I am looking forward to the day when ladies will offer to take their spouses out! Mtchewwwww! Their hands are as long as the neck of a giraffe! Oh! Did I just say that? No apologies!

The hustle is tight these days as the present ‘Oga at the top’ is not a father Christmas, unlike the past administration. So money is scarce. A significant number of Nigerians have to spend wisely. No more flamboyance, it is time to tighten the straps of your boot.

Unfortunately for you, that ‘bae’ you have been ‘eyeing’ will not look at your face if you lose your swag. Of course, there are other men flashing Ferrari at her while you are showing off with a Toyota Camry! Relax. Do not worry. You will sweep her off feet, not with extravagance but with just 10,000. Read on!

Monday: Be a Gentleman

Many people dread Mondays because it is perhaps the busiest day of the week. Be a gentleman on Monday and  focus on your job! You can check on her by calling her.

Tuesday-First Impression matters

First impression matters. It is this prior perception that will determine how remote you will go with the lady. It determines whether you will get her to commit to going out with you! Get your swag on. Read Shakespeare,  James Hadley Chase, and borrow lines from Maya Angelou’s Touched by an Angel. She will be wowed!

Wednesday: Pause

It is time to give her a break. Do not call her, do not text and do not think about her. Let her miss you! It is difficult, but you will do yourself a whole lot of good if you are able to pull it off.. This break will stop her from taking you for granted or thinking that you cannot do or live without her!

Thursday: Buy her a priceless gift

In a relationship, there is no way you will not spend money. However, you have to smart with spending on a woman who is yet to yield to your advances. She may be showing signs of being interested but at the end you are ‘On Your On’ (OYO)! But if youy really like her, buy her a thoughtful gift.  A below-the-line gift. That is a gift that reminds her of you anytime she sees it! You can go wild by buying her lingeries! There are many affordable stalls around Lagos where you can buy thoughtfulgifts!! Do not spend more than  3k.

Friday: Take her to watch a  movie!

Ladies are the biggest pretenders in this world. Quote me anywhere! Abi na lie?  I do not want this. I do not like it…story! As earlier said, politely get her to commit herself to going out with you. Do not ambush her with the movie stuff. You can Skype her, humbly requesting that you want to take her to the movies. Imagine an evening at the cinema with a girl you have been fantasizing about. If she likes you she will give you a positive answer. It is 3k for both of you  and do not forget to buy Popcorn! At the end of the movie, invite her to your house.

Saturday: At your house

Her first visit to your house is not an opportunity to have sex. Both of you can do that in subsequent meetiings. Of course, sex is an important feature in every relationship. But it shouldn’t be hinged on that. The visit is for to know each other. If you can cook, please show off your cooking skills. Some ladies said they love men that have cooking skills. Impress her with it. At the end of the evening, she will be very fond of you and wouldn’t feel like going home. Importantly, make sure you drop at her doorstep or give her cab money!

Sunday: Worship at her Church

Men can do anything just to get a girl. One of those things is worshing at her church. She will be surprised. She may probably forget that she is in church and hug you! Congratulations! She is your girlfriend! But do not assume, ask her.


Do not waste money on recharge cards

In the African setting, men are expected to make all the moves including calling the woman. But, some ladies should be awarded a masters degree for flashing as they will never call their partner!

But do not worry, technology has changed everything. Skype is the way to go! It is the cheapest means to make internet calls. Ask her if she is on skype, collect her ID and make it a point of duty to only call her on it while chatting with her using instant messaging. There is no need to buy recharge card to call or send her text messages. In fact, you can go old skool by writing her a love letter!


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