Society : Choose Your Fights Carefully

Princess Nsikak

Let me tell you the easiest and quickest way to make enemies in the cyber world.
I used to be close to this girl. She shared things with me. And because we were friends, I made her problems my own problems and made her fights mine.
When she uploads a photo and someone comes to diss her. She will inbox me to help her reply the person.
Being the ‪#‎formerMumu‬ that I was, like a superhero rushing to help humans, I will dash out and carry her fight.
I'd insult the person back and she won't come out. She only stays in the shadow cheering me up and telling me how that person is this and that, but never on that thread.
There are times I'd get a call from her to help her reply a person. Still feeling like a hero, I'd grab my phone and press my keypads like a mad woman.
Thing is, sometimes I win and at other times I lose. One thing is certain, I don't see that person as an enemy. But that person sees me as one. And others who may have applied ghost mode might gradually hate me.
My friend that called me to fight for her is the "mature one that avoids problems, the good one that doesn't like problems" while me the hero, Lmao! I'm the ill-mannered and troublesome fellow.
It was rather too late when I noticed that these people I fought for her with took side shots at me when I comment on a post.
So I tell her what is happening.
I expect her to have my back now, shebi?
All I get are series of excuses, like how I know she doesn't like to fight and how her lover will be angry and how she's trying to paint a good image/reputation because of her lover so as not to tarnish his image.
So I'm the one whose image is good and bad enough to be tarnished.
So I stopped fighting her fights. She on the other hand never stopped telling me to go reply someone for her.
But I know better, I'd tell her I can't. Since she's a good person that avoids problems, let her ignore the one on her wall.
It was already too late.
I had already gathered enemies for myself. Enemies I shouldn't have had if not for being a loyal friend. Enemies I shouldn't have had if I had learnt to mind my business.
So I accept those enemies as mine while she's still friends with them. Who knows what would have transpired in their inbox?
"Don't mind that girl, she's too rude, she jumps into fights" "is it her fight?" Lmaooooo  

Gbemi is a classic example.
It's clear, Gbemi would never have known or let's say, would never have tweeted it if Toolz didn't do amebo with her. Gbemi became the front runner. She made the problem hers and when it backfired.
Gbemi is now the ugly dirty pig and Toolz is everyone's favorite.
Gbemi is now enemies, lifetime enemies with those agberos and Toolz will still be friends with them.
Gbemi is now the most hated celeb and others who are guilty of gate crashing will hate her too.
For days now, I've been secretly following a beef.
A girl is been taken to the cleaners because of this same thing. She carries other people's fights. Not once, not twice, not thrice sef.
Everywhere, she's seen fighting for different people.
This one is not even called, she volunteers on her own.
She stepped on the wrong toe.
How the fight started.
Let's call this girl ‪#‎A‬ . She made a post calling out a douchebag. And ‪#‎B‬ that loves to carry people's fight took over and started dissing the said ‪#‎douchebag‬. Douchebag got wind of it and sent his ‪#‎E_warriors‬ to go pick up the fight.
It happened that it backfired, and when the douchebag wanted to reply. Rather than reply #A for starting the fight faced #B for carrying a fight that wasn't hers.
He downloaded her photo and gave her a smack down.
I don die oooo.
You know why I'm happy?
This lady #B is actually worse than me.
Unlike me, I fought for one person.
But this #B had fought many other's battles.
And when it's her turn to be fought for, they all ran like people who heard the word ‪#‎change‬. Ahahahahahahhaha
So let's just say, her enemies are like triple of mine.
This thing happens every day.
They call it loyalty.
If a friend is having issues with someone, the other friends join forces to fight. They carry and buy the matter.
When I found out, I simply learnt to mind my business.
I no dey fight for person again
Since everyone has a reputation to protect.
Doesn't matter if they are snitches or bitches in private, just act like virgin mary in public, and hoolala, you are the good person.
I've learnt to protect my reputation.
I mind my business.
I won't go to a person's wall to attack.
Let me minimize my e-enemies. Lmao.


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