Relationships : The lover who refused to be used and dumped!

˜MOST times, lying with my husband watching him sleep on his back, beer belly rising and falling with each snore, he doesn't look appetizing in the least -especially with his treble chin and bald head. I am starting to find him repulsive… Melisa looked so forlorn as she told me about the state of her marriage that I had to laugh. She wasn't mused.

I reminded her they're  just married 12 years and it was a bit early for her to start being resentful, especially when she has two adorable kids and a well heeled husband who gave her and the children virtually everything they wanted. But what about meaningful sex, aunty C? Seun was fit and energetic when we got married with a body to die for.

Now he's  flabby and unattractive. His weight had more than doubled,  the only thing that hasn't  changed is his personality. He's  still kind and loving with a good sense of humor. Trouble is, I just don't fancy him any more. I want rippling muscles – not rippling fat!

I warned her to be extremely careful. After escaping the seven year-hitch, maybe,12 years is when her marriage should have started showing signs of being in a rut – she should strive for both of them to get out of it. I don't  know about Seun, she said simply, but I'm  trying my best to do just that. As a matter of fact, I've  just met someone at work.

He is a technician we briefly used. Though he is single, he knows he's  nothing but a bit-on-the-side. And he's  so sexy. Instead of the usual boxers, he wears clinging lycra cycling shorts which makes him look deeply sexy. It is easy to get away to meet him as Seun works really late ow he's  been promoted to management level. Don't  get me wrong, I love Seun, but sex with Ephraim is like an icing on a cake.

I told her she was treading on dangerous grounds but she just laughed in my face. Months later, she came running back to me, it is Seun she said, a bit frightened, it is as if he suspects I'm having an affair. Last night, he came outright to ask why we never seem to make love any more.

That I couldn't  get away quickly enough whenever he touched me. I told him not to be silly, that I love him, which I do, but I was always abit tired. Is it because I've  put on a lot of weight?  he asked me, don't worry about that. My new post means I could join any club I want and I have joined one with an impressive gym. You could come along too if you like, so we could get healthy together.

I  assured him I would help him lose weight. But there's  another weight I have to lose – and that's  Ephraim. He is cute, but Seun is the man I love. I'm  seeing him tonight. He's had enough fun and it is time to let go…. Well, it wasn't  as easy as she thought.

When we met some days later, she told me That Ephraim is a lunatic. As soon as we settled down to our favorite meal at the restaurant where we usually went first before sex, I told him I wanted to call it a day, that my husband could be dangerous now he was suspicious. I thought he'd  be fine – after all we both knew all we could have was fun no-strings sex. But his face hanged.

You can't  just dump me like that,  he fumed. I really love you, I was shocked,
 I told him gently, you're a lovely man, but I want to concentrate on my marriage. I was really put off by his sudden declaration of love. Our arrangement had nothing to do with that. He glared angrily at me, Oh really? he spat. You should have thought of that before. With that he stormed out of the door.

I felt sick and shaken. But at least it was done and over with Thank goodness I hadn't  given him my mobile number. So, I kept that turned off when I was at home. Better to be safe than be sorry!

As soon as I switched it on the next day, there were pleading text messages from him and more kept on pinging I erased them all. He had to understand we were now history. And as Seun's flab began to melt, histreble chin slimmered down and his beer belly shrunk.

I found myself thinking about Ephraim less and less. Then last Saturday when I was vacuuming, there was a knock on the door. I was irritated thinking Seun had forgotten his key again. He'd nipped out to the gym to meet a few friends.

Only pulling open the door, I found Ephraim glaring at me. `So I've finally tracked you down he snarled. Why have you been ignoring my text messages?
 I couldn't  believe my eyes and ears. Was he mad? You have to go! , I yelled at him, terrified Seun would arrive any minute, `I've  told you, it's  over.

I tried to shut the door in his face, but he went berserk. Booting the front door open, he pushed his way into the flat. I love you Melisa, he wined, and I'm  not leaving your house until you admit you love me too.
His eyes were bulging. He looked really demented. If I didn't get him out of the flat soon, Seun would come back and find out about everything.

Ok, ok, I  love you too, now go!
How could I have found this simpleton sexy?!  I fumed silently.
He calmed down and eventually left, but not before issuing an ultimatum.
Start seeing me again,!  he threatened, or I'll tell your husband everything, I told him to get lost! Since then, I haven't seen him, not even at work since he knows where my office is.

But every time the door bell rings,
I'm more edgy, terrified it's him, Seun is now looking great and our marriage is the best it's  been for a long time, I just pray Ephraim doesn't come back and ruin it all. Why are some men so childish?
A single girl that goes out with a married man doesn't  believe it would be a happy-ever-after relationship.
 So, why can't  a married woman do the same with the hope that the man would be grateful for a few free bunks?
 Shows you how naive some people are.

I reminded her that she must know of a few men whose bits-on-the- sides have turned to second wives they never really bargained for.

And if a young married woman is having an affair, she's  sending the signal her marriage is not happy and what gullible lover wouldn't  think he might just be better than her husband – enough to take her away from him!


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